Friday, October 4, 2024

3 blocks and quilts gifted.....................

Yesterday turned into kind of a social day so I only got 3 blocks sewn.  The 2 light fabrics on the left haven't been used in the previous 27 blocks but the one on the right is a repeat.  I now have 30 blocks.

A friend in town has lost several family members in the last year so I told her to come over and pick out a quilt.  I asked what her favorite color was and she said green.  I pulled out the one on the left and she loved it.  Then I pulled out the one on the right and she loved it more.  She couldn't decide which to take so I gave both of them to her.  They both have green prints on the back too.

I had a surprise visit from my niece last month and I sent home the one on the left for her and the one on the right to her son and wife.  The 2 nieces had each gotten 2 quilts and their brother had only gotten one so I needed to even things up.

I have 4 more I'll show tomorrow that left my house last month.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Cleaning up................

In another attempt to clean off my sewing cabinet I came across these 3 Liberty Lawn prints I purchased a few months ago.  They are designs by Brian Wildsmith.  He illustrated many books and I have a favorite.

I love the illustrations in this book so much that I have never shared it with the little ones in the family.

Can you resist this cute face and those leaves and stems?

Here is some more of the foliage.  I love the hollow leaves and all of the dotty paint splatters in the background.

And then there is the tortoise.  I also have a book Illustrated by Brian W. about squirrels that I bought second hand that has some really nice illustrations.  If you do a search for him you can see more of the illustrations.

Yesterday was errand day since I was no longer restricted from driving AND could take a shower and wash my hair for the first time since the pacemaker replacement surgery.


Wednesday, October 2, 2024

9 of 27 blocks..................

I turned on the iron yesterday and pressed the rest of the pinwheel blocks that were sewn a couple nights ago.  There are 3 alike of each of these on the design wall.  I have 3 more blocks ready to sew.  I still haven't decided whether it will be a 30 block quilt or a 36 block quilt.

Phone shopping was on my list yesterday.  I have an app on my cellphone that sends transmissions to the doctor's office from my new pacemaker.  The phone I currently had is 6 years old and the operating system (OS) would no longer be be compatible with it and there were no updates available for it.  I had been thinking about upgrading anyway so this just pushed me to take care of it.  This phone is a little larger than the previous one so the small phone/wallet style purse I have been carrying will not work.  More shopping............. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

September 2024 monthly recap.............

I had 2 finishes in September, both quilted by Robin Diaz.  The one on the left reminds me of graffiti and is mostly e Bond's fabric lines (Glyphs, Ravel, and Root) with some of the dark narrow strips Marcia Derse fabric.  It is 59" x 79".

The one on the right is Kaffe Fassett collective and Tula Pink fabrics.  I love pink and green together.  It is 59" x 82".

I have 28 finished quilts so far this year.

I only finished one quilt top in September.  That is good because I have only made 24 new quilt tops and that means I have made some progress with finishing the backlog of tops.  This one is 66" x 79".  It is called Memories -1956 because it reminds me of the pink/gray trend when I was in high school.

I still have 32 tops waiting to be quilted.  Some I would rather sell than finish.  Others I want finished.  19 of them are in the small category (up to 66" in length) that I should be able to quilt myself.  Only one top is in the large category (longer than 81").  The rest fall between 67" and 80" on their longest side.

So on I go, making more tops.....why?.....because it is the most relaxing therapeutic thing I can do other than knitting dishcloths.  It gives me a chance to use my artistic side and experiment with design.  That's way more fun than cleaning the house every day out of boredom.