Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Cleaning and organizing..............

For the last few months I have spent the first week of each month doing clean up and organizing.  This group of fabric has been laying in a pile in my studio for over a year.  I had 2 leftover blocks from a quilt I made a few years ago and I really like the combination of gold, green and a little blue in them.  I will likely put this pile and the 2 blocks in a project box now in case I get motivated to actually make a quilt from them.  All fabrics are batiks.

I made a little progress in the basement while doing laundry.  I need to vacuum down there so maybe I'll do that today.  It got up to 85 yesterday and today is supposed to be just as hot and more humid so the basement should feel good.  It was still 75 at bedtime last night.  This is a little early for this kind of heat.  


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

you were warmer than we were in Arkansas yesterday! it was 66 last night when I went to bed but then we had off and on rain all day. Those are pretty fabrics that you are sorting right now

Mary said...

It was 86 when I went out with the dogs at 9:15 last night and humid. Also a little early for us. That is a pretty color combination. I hope you decide you can use it.

Julierose said...

when it gets to those 80's it is so hot!!
66 here this morning and a cool breeze...

Working on the final Kawandi rounds--it gets harder and harder to fit pieces in...well, I learned a lot at any rate-
-Basically there is no way I would
even attempt a BIG one!! So glad I started small...
Vacuuming on our list today, too...ugh!!
Hugs, Julierose

Quiltdivajulie said...

I made a quilt in those colors (with not too much blue green) a long time ago and it is still one of my favorites! Congrats on the progress with the sorting and cleaning - not fun but it does make a positive difference.

Nann said...

I was able to sit out on the patio to read yesterday afternoon. Love the colorway of that star.

JJM said...

I agree, your blocks and pile of strips’ are such pretty fabrics together, hope you decide to work on it again, rather than put it into storage.

Our seasons are so sporadic any more, no matter where you live. But such hot weather in May and June is unusual, for IL. We’ve had more cool days with a teaser of a warm day sprinkled in every now and then.


Barbara Anne said...

Love the star block and those delicious fabrics with it. I look forward to watching this quilt grow!

Our high today is 87*F, the humidity is 53%, and the pollen count is "very high" so it's not much fun outdoors. Rain is possible this evening and tomorrow afternoon, but time will tell. Long ago when we lived in Memphis, it always rained when there was a 30% chance of rain! It was a mystery as to why that was true.


Mystic Quilter said...

I do like your idea of setting aside time each month for a tidy up, I think that method would work well for me, I have been making such slow progress with sorting my drawers and baskets, fitting time in here and there, a dedicated day or half a day would achieve better results for me. As always a treat to see your garden!

patty a. said...

That is a pretty pile of fabric and that block is so pretty! It has been hot and humid here to in NE Ohio. I need to find the time to do some cleaning myself. I swear there are spiders in every corner! Michael doesn't have a show this weekend so I need to set some time to vacuum and straighten up.