
Thursday, January 23, 2014


What do you do on a frigid day in Illinois?  Play with flannel fabric!  I pulled out all of my bins of flannel and started sorting.  This pile is all printed flannels.  My other flannels are yarn dyed woven plaids and stripes.  I have sorted out enough to make two stack and slash quilts from this stack.  I want to make fast and easy quilts from all of the flannels.

This group will be another stack and slash.

I think I many have shown this group before, and probably about 5 years ago and I still haven't made the quilt.  This will be a Twisted Rail flannel quilt.

I got some fun mail a couple days ago.  A reader who knows I love zebras saw these at a quilt shop and bought them for me.  Aren't they cute?  Thanks friend!!!


  1. I wonder how tall those stacks really are! Up to your chin? What a great plan to use those flannels on these cold days.

  2. I don't have a stash of flannels, but it would certainly be a good day to stay home and play with them.

  3. Have fun with the flannel. Saw the weather report you are minus something with the wind chill. Brrrr.

  4. Cold here too.... tho not as cold as there, but it sure feels like it.... You have a very good plan for the weather!

  5. it is a cold winter for sure - here too - I have my flannel pj's on at night! dont' have a flannel stash though

  6. I think you might have enough flannel to work with - LOL! Years ago I bought some printed flannel with Chinese food on it. The fabric is much prettier than it sounds - white background with lots of reds, grays, golds, and a bit of green. I planned on making myself a flannel quilt with it, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. I will be anxious to see your creations!

  7. I remember these fun quilt ideas. What a wonderful flannel stash collection of light and dark values. I'm learning to rethink my stash.

  8. I enjoyed working with flannes. Unfortunately, it was not very cold here when I made 3 flannel quilts. THis winter would have been a great year for it!

  9. Oh how I would love to have your stash of flannels in MY stash ! As I slowly look each folded piece in your big pile. There was not one that I did not like.

    Your stack and slash pieces are wonderful. I love those quilts and looking forward to seeing the Twisted Rail. Not sure I have seen that pattern before.

    Oh yeah, zebra mini scissors ~ yes they are too cute.


  10. is cold there. those flannels will help warm things up.

    Love those scissors!

  11. You KNOW I love those scissors! That kind of thing happens to me all the time! Because my love of zebras is so well known, friends think of me whenever they see anything zebra, and often buy it for me - I've received zebra fabric, zebra socks, zebra mugs, stuffed zebras, zebra scarves, zebra notebooks, zebra stickers, embroidered zebras, zebra ornaments, zebra shirts, zebra plates, zebra hangers, zebra candles, zebra office supplies, zebra dog toys, and I could go on! It's quite lovely!

  12. What a fabulous selection of flannels you have!! And playing with flannel seems like the perfect thing to do in this ridiculously cold weather we're all having.
    The picture of some paisley flannels immediately made me think of kaleidoscope stars!


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