
Tuesday, August 20, 2024

What's next.............

There is one more batch of neutral batik 16 patch blocks made in 2018.  (photo taken in daylight in the studio) I have one top ready to be quilted that is throw size and this one will be 72" x 96".  I might start the layout on the design wall today.  I have been working on fabrics for a friend's quilt and should have that done by tomorrow.

These are most intense of the tiny blooms of mini Sedum.

The third kind of mini Sedum is just sending up some flower stalks.

The tall Sedums are starting to show a little color in their blooms.  There is one plant this color and 2 plants of the color behind it.  When they all change color the difference between the plants isn't as noticeable.

There are more plumes on the green Coral Bell.  

The blooms on the Zinfin Doll hydrangea are getting deeper pink as we approach autumn.

My Flare Compact Hydrangea bush has some flower buds on it but I'm not sure if they are ever going to completely open.  The tag says it will get 2-3 feet tall at maturity.  I will keep watering it and hoping to see more from it.



  1. Your neutral blocks go with the pictures of your garden! You garden is so beautiful. I had a start of some sedum, but the deer ate it. Right now the only thing blooming in my yard is the Californian poppies.

  2. I love the colors of your sedum;))
    your neutral blocks are really pretty together...
    60 here this morning early--still expecting rain [of course, as I am going for a haircut--wish me luck--new person!!]
    Hugs, Julierose

  3. Our hydrangeas froze out last year - only one survived and it is very puny this year. Might take another year or so to come back (or not). You have much better dirt there than we do so hoping yours will flourish as it matures.

  4. What lovely neutral blocks and they do match your sedums! Wish I had tucked away lots of blocks when I had more energy to sew and had planted perennials when I had the energy to tend our garden.


  5. Your neutral fabrics are so soothing and I can see a nice large one ahead with the blocks you featured today. Your friends are so blessed to have YOU help them with their quilt tops. And my oh my what a grand array of happy summer blooms, Sedum's and Hydrangea are putting on a gorgeous show.

  6. your weather is continuing to let you have beautiful flowers!

  7. I like the subtle marbled look of the neutral batiks. Have you tried an on-point setting for the checkerboards? Great year for hydrangeas.

  8. Wanda, this is my favorite time of year to see your yard. I said this before when you first started your front garden: it was a great idea and has really flourished and looks beautiful!
    My two purple hydrangeas have been spectacular this year. I am going to have to look for the Zinfin Doll variety. Thanks for all your inspiration! Pat in GA

  9. Your sedum looks gorgeous. I think the first one is what we have but no flower stalks yet. Its leaf color and plant form is so pretty! -Roxanne

  10. I love the pink and green look in your garden and I didn't realise your Zinfin hydrangea would deepen at the base and I assume it will slowly work along to colour the whole bloom.


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