
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A quilt top in progress.................

I started early yesterday and had the layout finalized for the last neutral batik 16 patch quilt.  I took down the columns and clipped them with numbers.

Next I cut a batting and backing for another quilt.  Then it was time to start sewing this quilt.  I have 9 of 12 columns webbed, 3 to go and then the cross seams.

Beautiful weather, cool with low humidity continues here.  90s return over the weekend though, at last 4 days of it.



  1. You put my efforts to shame! This will be beautiful!

  2. You are really moving along with this one; I like the addition of those peachy colored squares to all the neutral brown shades--very nice...;)))
    52 here this morning and much drier at last!! Today is food shopping---so will be getting out early...
    Hugs, Julierose

  3. that sounds like our weather....but loving the very nice cool temps for a much needed change...

  4. This one is coming together fast. You must have been able to get those blocks arranged just right without much hesitation. It is cooler here too and I am loving it! Back into the 80's next week so I need to get some outside work done before it heats up again. For some reason all your email was going to my junk folder. I just found it all last night! Hopefully, I got that fixed!

  5. very nice this morning here - it looks like your quilt top will move along quickly

  6. I so admire your continual organization for creating your quilts. And working on a two and three at time. I can see it was a good progressive day yesterday.

  7. I wish we could bottle this week's weqther! Love the WIP.

  8. You work wonders with glorious neutrals and batiks, Wanda! This speedy quilt is coming together almost miraculously fast, but that's thanks to your already made 16 patch blocks and your energy. Well done!
    We've also had lovely cooler weather, highs in the mid 70s*, nights in the mid 50s*F with low humidity and we'll be back in the low 90s*F for 5 days early next week. Sigh! Makes me yearn for Autumn!



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