
Tuesday, August 27, 2024

A variety of things..............

 I sewed a few samples of the other block on the die I showed recently.  It is similar to the Fractured series of quilts I made several years ago.  There is a Label for Fractured in the label list on my right sidebar.  The difference being the angle is the same on every block with the die and the angles varied with the 2 methods I used on the other quilts.

I emptied another project box. I think these are the leftovers from this quilt top. I'm pretty sure I have another location where I have 1.5" strips that I can move these strips to.  The 2 blocks can go in the orphan quilt block box.

I had 3 sessions of hand sewing yesterday and have only 25" left to stitch.

It was hot and steamy outside so other than picking a few tomatoes I was inside all day yesterday.


  1. I wish I could even sew a straight line! lol
    Beautiful work!

  2. "I emptied another project box" is something I long to say! It is hot and dry here, but the promise of cooler weather starting today. I hope to see a few tomatoes when I check the garden today.

  3. Another box emptied - woohoo! Another quilt almost done - woohoo!

  4. I really like the new die. You will probably be able to get a lot of usage from it. We got a very unexpected series off showers last night and this morning. Slightly more than 1/2 inch!

  5. Now to keep that empty box from filling up again..........stay cool!

  6. I love the look of the bottom right picture - but they are all nice...the peach tones and darker blues...are so great {is there brown/rust in there too?).
    Out very early for bloodwork @ clinic (6:30 a.m.) then to our field for a walk and to farmer's market for some fresh veggies and fruits...--Apples are starting to come in there--got Paula Reds but
    no McCoun as yet (our favorite),
    Down to the last few strips for slabbing--we'll see how they go--
    I've made 12 so far...[11 sewn strips per slab].
    Hugs, Julierose

  7. I thought of you when I saw the weather report this morning. Hope you can stay in and stay cool.

  8. those will be pretty with whatever you decide to make - the fractured series is interesting

  9. Fun to see so many possibilities with your new die cutter… and the left overs from your magnificent 2022 quilt was fun to see. And looking forward to seeing completion of entire quilt you’ve been binding off.

  10. What a happy variety of layouts for those die cut shapes!
    Love the Log Cabin blocks and am glad you've emptied a project box by moving the bits to two more logical locations. How satisfying!
    Well done in being so close to having the binding finished as it is certain to be another August finish!
    Still wish I had some of your energy.


  11. I especially like the new die block design used in the bottom right (diagonal zig zag) collage photo!

  12. What do they call that die/block/unit? I've made a few quilts using that unit after learning the stack and cut method from one of Kathy Doughty's books. I currently have Wonky Windmills in process using that unit. I never know what to call those parts - fractures?
    Hot and steamy here too. I've been spoiled by cooler temps most of this month. With no a/c I can't stand the heat so staying out of the kitchen!

  13. Julie mentioned the blocks bottom right hand side, it's some years ago but there were a few of us taking part in Fractured by Kathy Doughty, can't recall who organised it though! I thoroughly enjoyed it.


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