
Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Sorting and cutting time...................

I could make it a lot easier on myself and just choose 20 fabrics for a quilt, but I know how bored I would get making it.  I have been sorting my floral fabrics (no Kaffe collective) for a few days.  I'm sorting 2 blanket boxes full into 2 groups, bold and beautiful and soft florals.  They won't work well together in a quilt I have in mind.

While I'm sorting I'm also pulling out the pieces that are too narrow to cut 6" finished triangles.  Most will work for 3" triangles though.  I need to divide this pile into the 2 categories too.

I ended up with 2 tall stacks of the bold and beautiful and put the soft florals back in one of the blanket boxes. They filled about 2/3 of the box.  There was one more category which was prints that weren't florals and not appropriate for my project.  They went into the box with the soft florals.  These 2 stacks will now be sorted again into 2 stacks, one that I think is what will really work and the other pile of will maybe work.

The Annabelle Hydrangea blooms are turning white now and then they will go back to  lime green later in the summer.

Yesterday was the first day of not pulling any weeds after a string of one or two sessions a day for about a week.

I bought a couple medium size containers of flowering plants to set in front of the Pansies.  The flowers in one of the pots doesn't have any blooms right now but I'm hopeful.

Every year I plant Begonias in 3 clay pots to set on the pavers by the downspout extension.

The Zinfin Doll Hydrangea is just starting to produce flowers.  They are small now but they will be so big and beautiful soon.

We had a nice cooler day yesterday but it is going to heat up mid-week and then a string of 90s is coming starting Sunday.  Tomorrow sounds pretty nice so maybe I'll do a little more weeding in addition to watering plants.



  1. That hydrangea is just lovely with those big white blooms!!
    64 here with bright sunshine again...a bit under the weather today, but hoping to sit out on our deck to relax... hugs, Julierose

  2. I think you really enjoyed sorting through your florals. I'm looking forward to seeing this project evolve. I've got a begonia is a clay pot on my porch. It is a survivor from last year.

  3. sounds like we are getting the same weather but you probably get cooler nights - nice today then the 90's/70's start. You have a lot of pretty fabric to work with

  4. And a new quilt begins to sprout.

  5. Lovely variety of fabrics and blossoming plants today Wanda.


  6. With all your beautiful flowers, a floral quilt should fit right in. Gorgeous fabric

  7. the flowers are beautiful! I've been cleaning out flower pots getting ready for summer,& oh my al the prep work we go through for our quilts 😄I cut 80 plus squares yesterday & still need over a 100& that's just prep for one🤣

  8. What glorious floral fabrics, light and darker! I look forward to seeing what this quilt's blocks will be and how you'll put them together.

    Glorious flowers outside, too!


  9. Oh, Wanda, if there were not abundance of different fabrics in the quilt, it would not be yours!

  10. I love the category called Bold and Beautiful. My roses here are in full bloom and wow, so gorgeous. I got a new one in the mail today and planted it. Looks pathetic right now, but it will do great. It is called Courageous. No hydrangea blooms here yet. Been kind of cool and damp. Yikes, 90s on the way?

  11. Organizing fabric is like shopping all over again!


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