
Monday, June 10, 2024

First quilt top for June 2024

Now all of the seams are sewn and it is officially a quilt top.  It is 40" x 60".  All fabrics are Kaffe collective.  All it needs now is its staystitching around all sides.

Here is a reminder of the pattern which was a larger quilt.  It calls for a jelly roll but I don't buy them so this quilt came from my stash of rotary cut strips.

This is the freebie plant from my local garden center last year.  It had about 6 leaves on it when I got it.  It was in a pot last year and in the fall I planted it in a space where I had removed a Hosta.

It has lots of buds.  It had more than one color flower on it last year.  I forgot to check and see if it was 2 plants planted together last fall so it will be a surprise this year what I get.

The Veronica a/k/a Spike Speedwell is starting to bloom.  I used to have one in the back garden and it was tall and floppy,  I think maybe this one is going to be a shorter plant.

I decided to just move my new yellow Columbine to a larger pot instead of putting it in the ground.  I will probably plant it in the fall.

I put a second de-stash post on my wandafulquilts blog.  I didn't get as much sorted as I wanted to yesterday.  I had to clean out an area for a plumber to come and fix a problem.



  1. Yes you did it! This looks like such a fun quilt,it turned out amazing!❤️

  2. the freebie plant has certainly come to life. The quilt looks great

  3. The top turned out so pretty! My coneflowers are starting to bloom too. It is so fun to go for a walk around the yard and see what is blooming.

  4. What a beautiful way you ordered those blocks--just lovely Wanda;)))
    I managed to do a couple seam lines quilting on my Hugs and X's quiltlet last evening...
    64 here this morning and sunny so far...hugs, Julierose

  5. Enjoy the sunshine today! Warming trend in the forecast.
    The Picture This app says your freebie is a coneflower?

  6. I like the precision of this quilt top and my oh my, your fabrics are always so fun to see the combinations, you create.

    Oh how I love columbines, never have seen a yellow one. Mine are now in full bloom~ way behind yours. But we’re always behind the “prairie states”.


  7. What a happy quilt top - applause!!

    Love the healthy plants you tend in your garden, too.


  8. That has turned into quite a beautiful quilt top. I had my doubts at first, but you did it again! I am so sorry I missed the crane fabric. I do NOT need it, but it is so pretty.

  9. This a beautiful little quilt, I do like the interweave of the fabrics.Do you know the name of the freebie plant?

  10. The layout worked and it is all sewn, great. Lots of growing and blooming going on there.


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