
Sunday, June 9, 2024

Final layout...................

I finalized the layout yesterday morning and have just 2 more seams to sew on it.  This is the layout photo I took in case any blocks flew off the design wall before I got to the sewing stage.  I had to give up on the idea that no background fabrics would be touching.  Since they are close in value the only way you will see the ones that are next to each other is if you are close to the quilt.

I picked another tomato the day after the first one and they are ripening nicely on the windowsill.  I put the Dr. Pepper can there for perspective.  The small 4th of July variety always ripen before any others because they are small.  They produce all the way into October.

Yesterday my neighbor and his friend (who used to work at my son's shop) came over and trimmed dead branches off my Redbud trees.  I also had 2 big broken branches caught up in one tree, one of them broken since last summer.  I thought maybe they were too high (and also resting on another tree) to get down safely but one guy holding onto the 8' step ladder and the other guy near the top step got the job done.  The little neighbor girls are in my yard often and I didn't want the branches to come crashing down on them.  Now I have a lot more light coming through the trees and a safer yard.


  1. I love this quilt with its very soothing colors. Birds beat me to my second tomato. I should have picked it a day ago.

  2. that was good for the help clearing out the branches - yes safer for sure when kids come into the yard.
    I will be glad when the tomatoes start to ripen yours are looking really good.

  3. Love how the interwoven strips move your eyes around this quilt--nice work!!
    Great that you got those branches trimmed--we are pretty much surrounded here by huge old oaks and ashes--fingers crossed they don't come down in a storm...
    64 here early this morning and rain is spritzing around a bit...
    Neat that you already have tasty tomatoes!! :)))
    Hugs, Julierose

  4. DH calls those kind of branches "widow makers" - we've had a few in our big oak trees over the years. Your quilt blocks look great and congrats on the tomatoes. Ours were a bust this year.

  5. That came together fast -- and it's great! It's wonderful to have helpful neighbors.

  6. Nice neighbors are worth their weight in gold :-))
    Your quilt will be gorgeous...wonderful colors. Have fun sewing it together.
    Congratulations on the second tomato, they aren't even blooming for me yet... but they will be. The strawberries here are ripe... wonderful.
    A cheerful greeting goes to you from Viola

  7. That's going to be a pretty quilt!


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