
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Whittled down....................

I went through the 2 stacks of bold and beautiful that I showed yesterday and whittled the pile down to about half which was 65 floral prints.  Then I went through that pile and whittled it down to 50.  Now I'm ready to start pressing and cutting.....50......fabrics........It will be awhile before I start designing this quilt(s).

Last fall I planted my second try at a red coneflower with a shaggy center.  This one came up and looks healthy.  It also has a lot of buds.

My only concern right now is the lack of red in the buds.  I hope I will see some change as the bud develops into a full bloom.

I pulled out the tag to show you what the blooms looked like last fall.

One Stella D'oro Lily is blooming in one of the backyard gardens.

I planted some Zinnia seeds in a pot.  I hope I won't kill them when I try to transplant some of them.  Or maybe I should just leave them in the pot, saving time and worry.

This year my van, washer and dryer have birthdays ending in 0.  The van is 20 years old, the Maytag dryer is 40 and the Maytag washer is 50 years old.  We bought the washing machine 2 years after we moved into this house.  It has had a few repairs over the years but not many.  My son just put new hoses on it so I hope it lasts a few more years.


  1. My Maytag washer and dryer are 42 years old - small repairs like hoses and belts. Fingers crossed for continued longevity. I just don't need a washer that talks to me or works through my phone. My red coneflower didn't come back either.

  2. Is that pot big enough for the zinneas? I love their blooms. I can't imagine how you were able to keep all your appliances in good working order all those years. Well done.

  3. that is so cool to still have appliances that do not need to be replaced. I'm surprised they can still find parts to fix now and then! Have fun pressing fabric

  4. I somehow missed yesterday's post. That is some pile of florals! Well done! Your cutting machine will make quicker work out of cutting all that fabric, but it is still a lot of work and will take some time. Your flowers are so pretty! Mine are coming along, but the marigold seeds are not coming up at all this year. That is very odd. I have been watering them; maybe it has just been too cold for them. Your zinnias look healthy. I wish I would have remembered to plant some since the deer won't eat those.

  5. Yes, when you think of it, most appliances go in around the same far we've replaced them all over the last 2 years...ouch!!
    70 here this morning--planning an early walk and then some errands...
    hugs, Julierose

  6. I've had to replace the dryer twice since we moved to this house in 2003. But the washing machine is the one that was here! The appliance installer said that if it were a car it would be a Model T.

    Looks as though you are making good progress with weeding your fabric as well as your flowerbeds.

  7. All my appliances are over 20 years old, including the hot water heater (plumber said average lifespan is 13 years). I did have to replace the washing machine last November.
    I can't wait to see what you have planned for those florals. I have a ton of florals too and need some ideas on using them.

  8. Hang on to that washing machine. We have one that cost closer to $1000 than to $500. I hate it. It has all these settings such as hot water, but when you try to choose hot water, it won't go there. I manually add some hot water, but I think it has a thermostat and so adds cold water to bring the temperature to lukewarm. If I had my choice, I would probably opt for the wringer washer I used when I lived in a small rental house when I was in my 20s.

  9. I chuckled when I read about your appliances and van. As my mother used to say, "they don't make things like they used to." We were doing well until lightening hit outside the house some years ago and every appliance was torched. The portable phone flew off the table!

  10. Wow! Hopefully you won’t have to replace your washer or dryer or even your van. You would not like all the “features” on newer ones. I don’t know why everything is designed to do the thinking for you now. Very curious to see what you are going to do with these fabrics!!

  11. Best to transplant the Zinnias - they are plants that don't like being crowded.


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