Sunday, May 12, 2024

Leftover triangles.............

There were 6 triangles left over of the two fabrics that I could use for the pieced border so I sewed them into squares.  In the book they have you cut large triangles for the border (the size of 2 of these triangles sewn together.  That means you would sew the center together and then have to sew on a border that was made separately.  If I do it "my" way, the square (at each end of the rows) will become part of each row being sewn together with no border strips to sew on at the end.  I'm still not sure I like the border.  I think it is the first thing you see when you look at the quilt and you miss all of the beautiful pink and blue fun in the middle.  Still undecided.

Here is a reminder of what it looks like.

Meanwhile I cut some more pink and green triangles and have started sewing pairs together (at the right side of the photo).

Last night I watched "Wonder Woman" on Peacock (free with Comcast) and I had no idea it was such a violent movie.  I would think children watching it would have a hard time falling asleep afterwards.  I have only seen one other super hero movie and it really isn't the type I enjoy.

Happy Mother's Day to my US readers.  


Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day to you, Wanda.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I hadn't watched the movie and didn't know it was a lot different than the old tv show. I have seen some of the super hero movies but not a lot.
I like how that border is looking

Nann said...

I've looked at instructions for a number of Kaffe quilts and observed that the blocks and assembly could be easier. I think if you finish all the triangles for the border and put them up you'll see how nicely they frame the center (no matter how you put them together). It will be nice and warm today -- enjoy!

Julierose said...

Your pink/blue quilt is really coming together beautifully--sometimes I've found patterns go the "long way around" too. Especially older ones...
It's always so great to find an easier way...
I haven't seen Wonder Woman; I don't usually like super hero movies....
A50 and dark, brooding skies here this morning--looks like rain getting itself together to pour down--we shall see...
I slept in and no cooking today YAY--Enjoy your day ;)))
Hugs, Julierose

Anonymous said...

We have finished the New Zealand detective series we were watching and last night watched part of something we had never heard of that was supposedly similar. It was so dreadful we didn't finish the first episode - violent, set in the future, based on sort of a video game premise. The only mystery is why we thought we might like it? Now I've crossed the Wonder Woman movie off my list too!

I'm enjoying your triangles, the color play is so entrancing.


Connie E said...

Maybe lower volume prints for the border? It’s gorgeous!

JJM said...

Happy Mother's Day to you too Wanda ~

I like your border also… and I think it will make a lovely frame for the top. But knowing you ~ I look forward to what you decide.

Looks like a great start to your pink ‘n green.


Barbara Anne said...

Enjoy exploring the possibilities the borders present. I like the blue HSTs and the way they complete the perimeter diamonds.

Happy Mother's Day!


Mystic Quilter said...

I like your selection of all the blues and pinks here, but I must say that I'm with you on the border. My eyes were drawn first to the blue going down the side rather than the main body of the quilt. I can see from photos in earlier posts that the contrast was high, it's sometimes difficult to have just the right light to photograph. Exciting to see your neat stash of KF fabrics, I know I have lots but you beat me hands down!!

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Loving your blue & pink combos for this! The border version in the Kaffe book could be quite distracting - I see pinwheels, broken dishes and zigzags ... which may or maynot be a good thing, depending on your style!

Patty said...

Sounds like there is more than one solution to finishing the blue and pink quilt top. I think I have seen the Wonder Woman movie; all those superhero movies have a lot of people fighting. Bad guys wanting to take over the world is a common theme.

Mary said...

I still like the border, but I know the perspective can change when you are looking a the quilt rather than a photograph. I also like your way of doing the border. Wrestling with long border strips can be a chore.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

I like your version of the border much better than the original. To me, it doesn't stand out or take away from the beautiful center of the quilt. My two cents worth!