Monday, May 6, 2024

Cutting and planning.............

I cut a lot of 6" finished half square triangles yesterday.  I have had the pile of pink and blue fabrics sitting on a cutting table for more than 6 months.  The greens were leftovers from another quilt and were already pressed.

I cut 10 layers at a time with my Accuquilt Studio die cutter so the piles of 10 were layered with many different fabrics.  It took 1 1/2 hours to sort them while I watched TV last night.  All are Kaffe collective except for one Tula Pink.

Here is the variety of greens.  I have some more to cut today.

Here are two of the inspiration quilts for my projects.  I'm not using all of the same fabrics as were used in the books.

Here are the two books those quilts are in.

This is the first pink/blue quilt of Kaffe's that I saw back in the 1990s.  It is in his Glorious Patchwork book and is made of lots of florals....not his fabrics because he had only designed the yarn dyed woven stripes when this book was written.

Look at what I found when I was watering my plants on Saturday.  It was on the side facing the window and I hadn't even seen the bud growing.



Cherie Moore said...

Sneaky flowering cactus!

Anonymous said...

You keep having one more cactus flower come along! They are really bridging be gap between indoor and outdoor flowers this year.


Julierose said...

Beautiful hidden flower on your cactus:))) What a surprise treat;)))

I love that Tussie Mussie pattern with all those flowered triangles...
you have a lovely range to work with in your stacks...

52 here this morning in dense fog--and yup--another gray day!! I'll be walking on our treadmill for sure...

I hope to sew the border squares on my Flowering Snowball today--long stretches of squares to match up..;000 I do pin on these...
Hugs, Julierose

Mary said...

So you're getting ready to launch into two new projects. What fun. I especially love the green assortment.

Quiltdivajulie said...

I'm so glad you are cutting for this project - you've mentioned wanting to make one of these for a long time. I'm hoping to get my version sewn into a top this week (in between a lot of other things).

Hooray for that pink blossom!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

still getting flowers and it is so pretty. Have fun arranging all those colorful pieces

Nann said...

One of the fun things about stacking and cutting multiples is that you as you sort them you find new combinations.

JJM said...

What grand array of cut triangles and whats ahead with your inspiration books. Oh the ideas that must be spinning with excitement in your head. 🤗


Barbara Anne said...

What yummy and cheerful fabrics you're playing with now and I love the quilts pictured in the books. HSTs are just so glorious because of the bazillion ways they can be put together.

What a pretty surprise bloom!
