
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Cutting and sewing............

Yesterday morning was cutting time for the pink and green quilt.  This is the new batch that I cut.

There were a few pieces already cut that just needed something to pair with.  I got these ready to sew and then exchanged the pink ones from the top left and bottom right corners with each other.  All were sewn last night, 6 in each pile.  Now it is time to turn on the iron.

This is the before photo of the Lenten Rose area.... and

this is after I cleaned up the area and edged the bed with some cast stone pieces.  The white spots on the leaves is the sun filtering through the red Weigela bush from the right of this bed.

It was predicted to be in the mid 50s yesterday but it got up to 65 degrees here.  I pulled weeds in several areas in addition to cleaning up this bed.


  1. Oh the greens & pinks are going to make a pretty quilt,looking forward to seeing the journey of this one!

  2. So many green/pink "pretties" you've got sewn together there;)))
    56 here and spotty rain...
    Good news, it isn't mold in our crawl space...just needs to be dried and swept off...
    Meanwhile, more tests at MD's coming up .....;000
    Hugs, Julierose

  3. I have got so many weeds/tree seedlings to pull that I know I will never get it done.

  4. "A garden is a thing of beauty and a chore forever."

  5. Such pretty pairings of your pink ‘n greens. Like spring time blossoms that make you smile.


  6. I've started webbing my pink and green but life got in the way again (dratted Paper Tiger). Hope to have a quilt top to share very soon! Loving the greens you've shared (indoors and out) and we all know how I feel about pink (grin).

  7. I don't know why, but I can sew HST blocks for days. I just love them.

  8. I love the green and blue striped fabric. It adds a nice zing! That was a lot of work on your hands and knees fixing up the Lenten Roses but it looks so nice! Mine need some TLC!


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