
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Another rain free day................

Three Begonias are free of their tiny pots and happy in the clay pots.  I still have a few more plants to put in a pot.  I also spread more of the leaf mulch in the front garden.  I have one more area that needs to be done but we have some rain predicted for 2 days so I may or may not get it done before the weekend.

In the area next to the Begonias one of my 3 types of Cranesbill is blooming.  The flowers are a little brighter color than they look here.

This is the entire section.  There are 2 of the Cranesbill plants.  They can tolerate wet soil.  My sidewalk is sinking and is tipped toward the garden and this area is next to the downspout extension so it does get quite wet when it rains.

On the other side of the porch I checked out the Columbines.  There are still a few good flowers.

My little crop of new Columbines is coming along nicely.  When they get a little taller I may get brave enough to thin them and maybe even transplant some to a new location.

I finished planting the tomatoes yesterday.  I bought 2 of the huge pots and saucers and a friend gave me another one the same size.  It's always hard to mow around the pots so I decided to put cardboard under them.  I have 4 planted along the driveway, 3 in the raised bed and 5 in pots.  Last year was a lean year for the red tomatoes but lots of the little yellow sweet cherry tomatoes.  I planted 2 of the plants with little yellow ones this year.

I can't believe the Peonies are starting to bloom.  This is about a week earlier than usual early blooming.  This is always the first plant but some others are only a few days later most years.

The close up shots never show the deep color.  I'll have to be watching for more blooming.  I have them planted in lots of different places.



  1. Yes, everything is earlier this year. Wildflowers, too. I've seen some oxeye daisies along the roadside, among others.

  2. Your spring flowers are doing great. I like to grow tomatoes in pots too, though I did put one in the ground this year. None are doing very well yet. We've not had as sunny a spring as usual.

  3. Meanwhile we are having rainy weather yet AGAIN here! 58 degrees and 1.5" of rain so far...
    I hope to do some cleaning up in my sewing room and stashing some fabrics that have been sitting out for a while...maybe re-stacking and re-visiting some colors...quiet gardening yet...
    Your flowers are coming along so well--so pretty..hugs, Julierose

  4. we have been dry the last couple of days finally but I'm sure more is coming. Some of my flower beds have so gotten away from me. They are filled with weeds and trees seedlings and I'm never going to get them cleaned up. They are just wild and over filled. Your beds look good and aren't competing for space like my plants are.

  5. Breath taking photos of your plants today. Especially love the columbine and peonies, colors are so vivid on my screen.
    We are behind you with our spring time blossoms but soon, with the buds I see coming.


  6. Love peonies. My neighbor had many and would cut me some. Miss that so much. Yours are beautiful and bring back wonderful memories. Thank you for posting

  7. Another pretty walk around your gardens! Things are going here in NE Ohio, but the only color I have so far is green. LOL!!

  8. Assuming you are using a smart phone to take your photos, if you open your photo on the phone, you should have an edit option. If you have an android like me, one of the options should be 'enhance'. If you click on that, it should punch up the color.

  9. Your flowers are so very pretty and their beds are so neat.

    Our flowers are early, too, with the azaleas nearly gone, the iris nearly gone, the rhododendrons lovely, and the honeysuckle abundant and so very fragrant.


  10. Your flowers are gorgeous. Mine are still quite small except for a couple perennials. I wish the perennials lasted as long as the annuals do :)

  11. Just got home from a week of babysitting the little grands a state away so all gardening has been on hold. I hope to buy plants this coming week and getting going. Bought some bigger containers for tomatoes and stuff. I am kind of far behind in lots of stuff.

  12. Just catching up on my reading and what a pleasure to see all your garden photos, especially my favourite, the peonies! I now now the name of the nuisance weed in our garden, Velcro weed, never knew it's name before but I do know it's definitely a nuisance. I'm looking forward to seeing your red/green quilt, you have a beautiful range of fabrics there.


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