
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Mostly outside yesterday...............

This is the view out my studio window from my computer chair.  I bought a couple huge pots yesterday to plant tomatoes in.  I used my 2 wheel cart to bring the 40 lb. bags of dirt around to the back and got both of them planted.  There are a couple small pots there that don't have anything planted in them. I think I'll plant flower seeds in them.

It got up to a little over 80 degrees yesterday.  I had a paper towel in  my pocket to keep mopping my face so the sweat didn't run into my eyes.  If I had known what the temperature was I probably would have quit working outside sooner.  The last thing I did was to start putting the leaf mulch around the plants in the front garden.  I have 3 more bags to go.

This view is from the corner of the house and garage looking forward on the same garden.  The plants at the bottom of the photo are new plants put in the ground last fall.  One is Veronica and the next one is the shaggy center red coneflower.  I took this photo before I started spreading the leaf mulch.

I found a couple Jack-in-the-Pulpit in the back garden.  I have 2 varieties.

I only found one of the striped ones.  I used to have a huge plant with them but it eventually died out, maybe because the Lily of the Valley is choking out some other plants.

One of my problems in the back garden is the Velcro weed.  I had never even seen it a few years ago and now it is rampant early in the growing season.  It's going to be cooler for a couple days so maybe I can get a lot of it pulled out.

Two of my Lenten Rose plants have shot up with a lot of new growth above the flowering layer.  It's obvious I haven't gotten the weeding done there yet.  

All I did in the sewing studio was to count the leftover green, pink, and blue triangles.  There will be a few more greens after I cut the last few fabrics.  I counted 318 of them which would make a quilt top 66" x 84".



  1. Your gardens are looking so lovely with everything coming up...;)))Mulch makes everything look so neat and spruced up--very nice!!
    58 here and ptly sunny--

    Today I'm off to another MD appt--I am not a fan of having to get up and out two days in a row...;000

    We have a worker coming to look at our crawl space cellar (over the ledge in our front yard--about 1/4 of basement on a higher level) to check on the mold all over the floor--We had water from the last deluges...who knows what this will lead to; but it has to be taken care of for sure.
    Hugs, Julierose

  2. haven't seen a jack in the pulpit for many years! i live in a senior complex and miss container planting...would love to grow some cherry tomatoes as they are so prolific and quite expensive at farmer's market...but alas, no planters where i live...they talk about it a lot but so far nothing...may is when i miss my house and yard the most...

  3. I've got that same weed growing here and there and it is easy to pull out usually but drives you crazy because it keeps coming back.
    The garden beds are looking good. It is always such hard work though to keep them in order.

  4. Both Jacks are in my garden and many more in the woods. Sunny and hot yesterday -- cloudy and chilly today!

  5. The beauty of your gardens shows your long hours of hard work you’ve been putting into them. Jack in the Pulpit was a treat to see, it’s such an elegant blossom.


  6. I've been battling velcro weed too. Along with bindweed & other weeds we've never seen in the 17 years we've been in this house. I blame the 2020 derecho blowing in seeds, as the summer after that is when they've started popping up.
    Bummer on the striped Jack-in-the-Pulpit. Your gardens look good. I'm sooooo far behind on weeding already... :-(

  7. A layer of mulch just makes everything look so good! Your Lenten Roses are so much bigger! With the rain this past weekend, one of the cora bells you sent me has really grown! I think it needs more space so I am going to have to do some rearranging.

  8. A real treat to see your garden. Doing some myself.

  9. I love seeing your gardens! Our Lenten roses bloomed early and are ready to spit their seeds (if they haven't already done it). I haven't been able to get out in our garden yet.

  10. I laughed at your Velcro weed, very aptly named. I have it, too, but know it as bedstraw. It grows so fast, and once larger, it's hard to get the roots out because they break right off at the soil. Your garden is looking great. I remember last year, we had very late frost warnings, and the garden centers were struggling to protect their plants.

  11. Your garden is looking so nice and I wish we had the energy to do the same here but DH has A-fib and I have lupus, so energy is rare. Sigh!

    I'd never heard the term "Velcro weed" but we have it here, too, and it's is SO annoying!

    Today and tomorrow I can be guilt-free about the garden because it's been raining since 8a and it's not forecast to stop until tomorrow night. Glub, glub!


  12. That velcro weed is such a pain but not as bad as the bamboo our neighbors planted at our old house. Then they moved and left the mess to us.
    Everyone's coneflower but mine has bloomed here. Still hoping. The leaves look great.

  13. Your gardens look delightful! And you should see the weeds in ours. We called your velcro weed VETCH when I was growing up in Mississippi. Don't know if that's correct or not, but that's what it's always been to me. Our biggest problem right now is snails. We had a lot of rain yesterday, so they will really be all over the place tonight. Maybe I'll just stay inside and ignore them.


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