
Saturday, May 4, 2024

3 sections.............

It was an odd size quarter square triangle that I needed to finish the rows on this Marcia Derse fabric top.  Once I got the measurement right I cut strips and cut the triangles from them with a ruler for quarter square triangles.  I needed all of the stripes going the same way.  I sewed while I watched TV last night and got this far.  2 more seams and then I can press it and photograph it.  I'm glad I put this top into a time out so I could come up with the perfect solution for the outer triangles.

My Weigela bush with the pink flowers is starting to bloom.

This is the first Coral Bell to bloom.  There is another one with buds on it that might bloom over the weekend because we are expecting very warm weather.

Lots of Coral Bells and low growing Sedum are doing well in the front flower bed.

I did some trimming of dead branches on my Viburnum bushes in the backyard.  I was going to dig out all of the black raspberries and waited too long.  Now I might as well wait and have a crop of berries and then dig them out.  They are in a flower bed and kind of a nuisance.


  1. I really like those warm dull gold center colors in this one...makes it feel really cozy...
    Only 41 here this early morning...just getting light out--up early for some unknown reason--hope we have some nice warmer days this coming week...
    hugs, Julierose

  2. Very, very pretty quilt. I hope my project in time out will come to a successful conclusion too. I love seeing your pictures of flowers in bloom.

  3. Beautiful colors in your studio and yard. I harvested rhubarb yesterday. It had already begun to flower. There were two bags from last year in the freezer dated 5/28, evidence that this year's crop is way early.

  4. good luck getting the black raspberries out. I just found some of my old raspberries that I thought I dug out last fall. they are now growing in one of the strawberry beds. I thought I got all of the roots - I will need to try again
    The quilt looks great!

  5. Oh gosh dead viburnum branches.....I had a lovely large one with 3 trunks in my front garden and suddenly 2 of the 3 are dead and the last one doesn't look good. I must have some viburnum plague. Your coral bells are such a highlight of that front bed.


  6. Intriguing quilt top with octagon like circles framing sparkling golden centers. It has a fun appeal and yet so lovely.

    Your front garden is bursting with beauty.


  7. That pink and green in your garden is delightful!!! Congrats on the after-time-out results.

  8. What a charming quilt is growing under your skillful hands! It's another winner!!

    Your garden is lovely, too. Our iris are blooming, yellow, lavender, and deep purple. Magic!

    Chilly, damp day with rain, drizzle, and mizzle by turns.


  9. The way you lined up the stripes in the corners is so good! Your Cora bells look fantastic! It is amazing that they are flowering already. I worked in the yard this morning but didn’t get over to see how mine are doing. I will have to look tomorrow.

  10. Your garden is looking beautiful! I sort of wish I was interested in gardening but with 10 acres, I'd never get to do anything else.


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