
Friday, May 3, 2024

Back from time out.....................

I was working on this Marcia Derse quilt back in January and couldn't decide on what fabric to cut into triangles to finish the edge.  The rows have been pinned on top of each other over at the side of my design wall for over 3 months.  I have a beige piece tucked into the edge here and it is a contender.

This dull gold fabric looks better.  I had decided I want a stripe so my choices are limited.  I need to figure out the size to cut the quarter square triangles and cut a few so I can see more of this one.

There are buds on the 2 of the Columbines in my front garden.  They look like the deep burgundy.

This shorter Columbine is in front of them and it looks like one of the new plants I got last year.  I think there are signs of another one to the side behind this one.  I had 2 that died and I got new ones to replace those.  I lost track of what I planted in this spot.

A little farther to the left is where I planted the Flare Hydrangea that I got for $8 at the end of the season last year.  It is looking really healthy.

I took this photo late in the day so it's a little dark.  This is one of the hanging pots in the backyard.  

I couldn't find 2 arrangements alike so one is pink and the other red.  I hang them for the hummingbirds and butterflies and I'm sure they won't care what color they are.

My Zinfin Doll Hydrangea is starting its fourth year in my front garden.  I am so happy with this variety.

The little neighbor girls brought me this May basket on May 1st.  They rang the door bell but didn't run away.  They wanted to see me reach inside for my gift, a handful of cherry tomatoes.  These are the same little girls that I plant the tomato plants for every year since the oldest was 2 years old.  She is 6 1/2 now and her little sister will be 3 at the beginning of June.


  1. That dull gold (one of my favorite colors in quilts) is just perfect, Wanda!!
    I have never had luck with columbines here...your garden spots are coming into their own now--so pretty. Love that Zinfin Doll hydrangea..
    Here, it is cold again this morning--only 49 with a stiff, cold wind blowing--feels a lot colder!!
    Hope your weekend is good and sunny hugs, Julierose

  2. The construction paper basket is so sweet! That so nice of the girls to think of you. I like the striped gold a lot better. Your garden is coming along beautifully. Maybe if I can get some weeding done this weekend I will find some plants that are growing.

  3. that was sweet of the little neighbor girls - they like their tomatoes!
    I like the gold better than the gray for the quilt it looks great. I like that pattern too and made it at least twice that I remember.

  4. I too agree with your choice of gold edging triangles for your quilt top shown today.

    And all your blossoming pots are so pretty… and a May basket from your little neighbor girls is so sweet. I remember making them as a child so, so long ago. And always put in candy and violets. It has never been recognized as a special day here in the mountains. And most of our fiends that were born and raised here never heard of May Day baskets. Mary Jane’s magazine has a couple pages on May Day baskets. That was so fun to see.


  5. Go for the gold! Cute May basket.

  6. I like the gold strip too. Is it also a Marcia Derse fabric? Your hanging baskets are really putting on a show.

  7. The gold fabric for the little triangles looks perfect to me, too!

    Love your garden flowers.

    Busy time here as our older son and DIL are coming in about 10 days to look at homes for sale as they are planning to move here. They will be SO welcome!!!


  8. I am so glad your Marcia Derse quilt decided to behave when she came out of timeout! That striped dull gold is perfect! And what sweet little neighbors! It is good to see someone taught to repay kindness.

  9. I like the gold better also.

  10. Becoming good neighbors with the next generations is why I love my neighborhood, too. How kind you are to each other.

  11. i'd refer to the gold stripe as subdued, rather than dull. And yes, it will be perfect. I was delighted to find that the banana plant I hauled into the basement in the fall has survived and shows new growth. It only cost me $10.00 last spring so I decided to try to over-winter it. I figured if it didn't make it a could just buy a new one this year. It grows amazing fast and was over 6 feet tall by the end of the summer.


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