
Sunday, May 5, 2024

First quilt top for May 2024

The last 2 seams were sewn last night and I pressed the top.  I'm really happy with the border triangle fabric.  It needed to be something that just contrasted and filled in but didn't stand out.  I was pretty sure it had to be a gold tone too.  Luckily my Marcia Derse stash had the right fabric.  This top ended up 47" x 64".  The size wasn't determined ahead of time; I just worked on it until I was tired of it and that was the end.  I have enough of the dull gold stripe to use it for the binding too.

This is the view from my computer chair as I'm typing my blog post.  The top looks brighter in real life.

I worked outside for a little while yesterday.  It got really warm and humid in the afternoon and then a brief shower.  I have started clearing some of the area where I will place the tomato plants. Today is supposed to be a little cooler and that will feel good.




  1. Nice work, Wanda--"done and dusted" beautifully;)))
    Great you got out to work in your garden.
    46 and overcast here (big surprise!!) --seems this year we've had so many gray days...more than usual--or I've just forgotten???
    Hugs for a great Sunday Julierose

  2. the quilt looks great the colors go so well together.

  3. I'm trying to talk myself into being enthused about garden work this year. It's not working. But I better go out and make a serious start on things soon, those weeds aren't slowing down!

    It's times like this that a deep stash of a designer you love is a Very Good Thing. Fantastic that you found the perfect fabric *and* enough of it, for the side triangles and didn't have to go shopping or worse - settle for something that is simply "ok". Or put the unfinished top aside for who knows how long.
    I love the little detail of mitering the corner triangles.

  4. It's only May 5 and you already have a completed top. Good way to start the month. We had rain last night and a possibility for some more later today. Fingers crossed. Oh, wait. I can't sew with my fingers crossed!

  5. First quilt top for May ~ you created a stunning top to say the least Wanda.


  6. ....first but not the last! Nice to have some sunshine this weekend.

  7. This is a neat looking quilt, and the dull gold works great. I have been catching up on your posts. My yard here in Ann Arbor is usually a little behind yours, but this year we're ahead. My peonies all have blooms and I've planted my pansies. My yellow columbines are in full bloom and very healthy this year! And better yet, my amaryllis decided to put out a stem and bloom! This will probably start blooming next week. I love seeing your flowers as well as your quilts!

  8. What a happy quilt and well done in finishing this top so early in May! Will it have a border (or two)?!

    We've had lots of rain since midnight and some torrential rains this afternoon. Glub, glub! We may slide a bit toward North Carolina if this keeps up.


  9. In the last post I thought this was much smaller. It's a really pretty quilt and will be a nice lap quilt for someone.

  10. I do like this top and the way you have the different yellow fabrics for the centre triangles.


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