
Friday, November 3, 2023

More cutting..............

I cut 6.5" squares from another 21 fabrics.  This is one of each fabric and I have over 100 duplicates now.  This is just going to be a simple quilt of just squares, celebrating the fabric, no distractions.  The flat orange print is probably coming out and I already pulled out the light pinks.  I have a few more dark fabrics that I'm going to cut for it. 

While eating lunch I noticed a large bird in the tree outside my kitchen window.  The sky was too bright behind him to get a good shot.  I don't know one hawk from another so I don't know what kind it is.  He took off shortly and hope it was a small animal on the ground that he went after. 


  1. That is one big hawk! I think sometimes the simpleish patterns make for the prettiest quilts,they dure make for the quickest lol!

  2. What a lovely hawk!! We have a lot of them around here--mostly red-tailed ones. My DH knows them all by sight and by their night calls...who-hoot-te-whoo ;)))
    It is only 30 degrees here early on this morning...but looks like the sun will be's been early to bed and early to rise here lately for me...
    I just love those blocks--yes, that orange should probably go, I think--[unless you want to make a statement in the very center? ]
    Hugs for a super weekend...Julierose

  3. love the hawk it is always hard to tell what kind without seeing the colors really well. Mike saw an eagle yesterday, we see more hawks than eagles normally.
    The red squares will look great.

  4. I think it's a red-tailed hawk (common in Illinois). Red tail to go along with your Kaffe red squares!

  5. I like seeing all your reds and thoughts for this piece “celebrating the fabrics, no distractions”. You always have the best prints in your stash, no matter what color way you’re working with. But these reds are really something to ‘celebrate’.

    I hope they hawk was not after your little song birds. He looks big in the photo and a bird hawk is usually smaller.


  6. I think the bird might be a Peregrine Falcon as we have them here. They have a piercing cry and coast on the wind beautifully.

    Using those glorious orange fabrics will certainly made a happy quilt and will, indeed, celebrate the fabrics you use. Have fun!


  7. What a beautiful quilt it will be. Makes my heart sing to look at the colors. Marjorie in Utah

  8. I think it's a Peregrines Falcon as well. I have been fascinated with them for a long time. To have a majestic bird like that sit on your arm is amazing! We don't have them here so what a treat to see one in real.

  9. PS. I love the reds of the quilt too. Just got excited about the bird. Lol

  10. I love the riot of red color! So fun! It’s always fascinating to see big birds. I have been lucky to see a Red tail hawk, falcons and Barr owls fairly close up where I live. I don’t know what kind of bird that is in your picture, but it is magnificent!

  11. Stunning collection of reds and I like that you're going with just squares of a good size to realky show off the fabrics.

  12. Each of those fabrics is a work of art in itself. I love how you mingle them perfectly so they play together well!

  13. The Hawks are almost impossible to distinguish but it's always a thrill to see one!

  14. All those luscious reds and textures- a true treat. We have some red tailed hawks around here at times, and then they disappear for long whiles.


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