
Thursday, November 2, 2023

Photos from the past few days..................

This was the scene on Halloween a half hour before the trick or treat hours started.  The wind was whipping the snow around.

This was 15 minutes later.  It was only 31 degrees so the snow stayed overnight and then melted yesterday.

One of the little goblins reached in for her candy and chose a Hershey bar.  She said "chocolate for my daddy".  Is that cute or what?

I took a photo of the snow on the Viburnum bush around noon in case that was all the snow we were going to get.  I always like to record the first snow.

Four days before Halloween I took this photo of one of my compact burning bushes.  I haven't checked but I'm sure the leaves are all on the ground now after 4 nights below freezing.

A couple weeks ago I showed a photo of a stack of 6.5" Kaffe collective squares and then another photo of them sorted by color.  I decided to put all of the red/pink/orange squares up on the design wall to see the variety.  This is one square of each print.

This is the rest of them, 60+ duplicate prints.  I could see I need more variety for a quilt made with them.

I brought the medium size bin of large scraps of Kaffe collective up to my sewing cabinet to sort them loosely by size.

One category was anything wider than 6.5" and I pulled out all of the red/pink/orange pieces as I sorted.

This is the stack of all of the rest of the colors of pieces wider than 6.5".

I may cut all of these and the photo above into as many 6.5" squares as I can.

This is all of the pieces narrower than 6.5" divided into narrow and wide strips/chunks.  I think I can get the lid on now.

This was fun and relaxing.  I should find some more fabric pieces to sort.


  1. I liked seeing the Burning Bush just above that collection of Kaffe reds. Our Burning Bushes, Near Philadelphia, haven't gone red yet which is unusual.

  2. SNOW??? None for us yet but the temp this morning is only 26 degrees!!
    Pretty KF warm reds!! I need to sort my batik box next.

    I began sewing the "Natale" blocks together yesterday--sewing in blocks of 4
    widthwise...and doing a bit of webbing...this is still new to me--but I like it..
    Out for an early morning appointment--Brrrr taking out my "puffy" coat..
    Hugs, Julierose Stay Warm ;)))

  3. it was cold here for Halloween but no snow. The burning bush is beautiful. Curious to see what the red fabric blocks will turn into!

  4. I finally finished a special order (my last - no more!) quilt so now I can get back to my quilt made using 6.5" Kaffe squares. I need at least one more block. Sorting Kaffe by color for my stash really was worth the time spent to do so.

  5. Can't wait to see what you do with all those red Kaffe squares! I took inspiration from Stitched in Color's "Teeter Totter" and used the concept for my Kaffe squares. Most recent photo here:
    I'm in the process of removing and replacing the too-light purple sashing.

  6. Your fiery Kaffes reflect the pyracanthus/burning bush! The 6.5" squares would look good with the Trellis blocks I recently made.

  7. What an ‘exuberant collection of Reds, Pinks and Oranges’ I’m sure your ideas have come to you already. Look forward to see if you decided to work with all of these or not. (*._.*)

    These Autumn snows we’ve been getting the last few years is changing our seasons ~ Last year it snowed in mid October and never left till May of this year. Now thats nothing to look forward to .

    Your Burning bush is a glorious beautiful red.


  8. You've inspired me to get one or more Burning Bush shrubs.

    What delicious fabrics in those many photos! I can foresee many other squares just perfectly suited to join your vibrant orange squares. Enjoy your deliberations.


  9. That burning bush was so beautiful. It’s good to get the smaller fabric sorted so it will be easier when you come up with a project that could use those. The snow we got the other night is gone. Temps drop into the upper 20’s at night and have been in the lower 40’s during the day. The sun has been shining so the weather has been pleasant.

  10. Nice photos of the before and after at your place, I miss the snow in the UK, however we didn't have light snowfalls but huge drifts!

  11. Well, it was wet snow here on Halloween and the next morning it was icy pavement, my least favorite. It finally warmed up yesterday, but boy is it gray.


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