
Saturday, November 4, 2023

11 more reds................

Yesterday was a family day.  I baked frosted creams in the morning.  In the afternoon I went to our early Thanksgiving at my son's house.  My granddaughter's family from 6 hours away was there along with the local granddaughter's family so I saw all 5 of my great-grandchildren in the same room for the first time.  We took a 4 generation photo.  What do you think the odds are that they are all smiling and all have their eyes open?  My son is proficient with Photoshop so I have high hopes.

When I got home I went through my Brandon Mably fabrics (part of the Kaffe collective) and pulled 11 red that I think will work in my current project.  No cutting done; I was just too tired.


  1. A dear friend of mine, now deceased, took a couple of family photos one Christmas. She was dismayed that neither was "perfect." I said, give me those files. Between the two, I was able to photoshop one perfect family picture.

  2. Sounds like you had a lovely family time:))) I don't have any great-grands as of two children and their families are coming here on the Thanksgiving Friday for our gathering...
    You have a nice selection of reds in your stash...they should add a lot to your piece.
    44 this morning and partly cloudy so far; don't forget "Fall Back" tonight;)))
    Hugs, Julierose

  3. I see some of my favorite Kaffe Collective fabrics in this grouping. It must have been a real treat to see all your great-grands at one time.

  4. How wonderful that you had a “great” family reunion.
    5 little ones- no wonder there was no cutting time yesterday.
    I know you are looking forward to the 4 generations photo.

  5. It's odd how being in a crowd, with all the noise and activity, even when it's family and people you want to be around, can be so tiring.

    Mmmmmm, that's a gorgeous selection of reds.

  6. Five great grandchildren now, thats wonderful Wanda and to have a lovely Thanksgiving dinner together. Now thats when Thanksgiving should be in reality. It’s always so close to Christmas for my liking.

    I can see your selection of reds is going to add even more beauty to your quilt top. The photo from yesterday and now today shows those reds you pulled from your stash are perfect additions.


  7. What a treat to make and take Frosted Creams to the family Thanksgiving gathering. Hope to see the 5 generation photo if you think it's okay to post.

    Those are some vibrant reds to add depth of color to the oranges. Wow!! I totally understand why the reds weren't cut last night.


  8. Yay for you Wanda, to get to celebrate with your family! And to get all the great grands together was icing on the cake!

  9. good luck with the family photo - one year all ten of us surviving siblings got together at the same time and photos were taken, the best one had one brother looking in the opposite direction then everyone else. My husband was able to take Jeff's head off of another photo from the same day and put it on the photo and it turned out! So we have a photo of all ten of us looking in the same direction.

  10. I've never heard of 'frosted creams', so looked them up on the WWW. Do yours have raisins in them ?

    How great to spend time with your family !! Hopefully we'll get to see your 'generations' photo.

  11. Beautiful reds in this collection. How exciting to have your great-grandchildren together at the gathering, very special indeed.


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