
Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Kaffe stripe stash..........

Someone said that Kaffe wasn't going to produce any more of his yarn dyed woven stripes.  I don't know if it is true or not.  I started buying them in the 1990s when they first were produced.  They were hand woven and a little stiff.  Over the years I would buy a few now and then to add new colors to my stash.

Two of them a few years ago were woven with the irregular stripes going crosswise.

In 2014 I put this group aside to possibly make a quilt that was in Kaffe's book "Quilts in Morocco".

I posted this photo in 2014 with a picture of the quilt I was thinking of forward 8 years and I haven't started it yet.

I have made several quilts that have some of the stripes in them.  The New York Beauty in the top left has a few but other plaids and stripes were added.  The bottom left quilt has the stripes as the sashing between the blocks.  The diamond quilt top is a mixture of stripes and Kaffe prints.  The one on the right has stripes in one block and the insert strip at top and bottom and the binding are Kaffe stripes.  Most of those in the collage were between 2010 and 2013 and have been shown on my blog before.

One year there were some plaids included in the collection.  I guess they decided they weren't necessary and weren't repeated.

I pull out these pieced blocks now and then and play with them on the design wall and then back into the drawer they go.

That's my little trip down memory lane for the day.

Yesterday I counted and 10 of my 15 Thanksgiving cacti have buds on them.  I guess they liked our early cold weather in October.  I didn't turn on the heat until I endured over a week of cold mornings.  And now the beginning of November is md 60s to low 70s for a week.



  1. Those stripes and plaids are really a nice collection! I especially like the plaids.
    It continues to be warm-ish here--53 this morning...leaves falling like rain, too.
    I may be able to sew another two web sections today--starting to feel better..;)))
    Hugs, Julierose

  2. You have a fabulous collection of stripes! The plaids are good looking! I was looking for striped fabric last week and realized I don't have much variety. I have been looking for black and white striped fabric but haven't found anything that I like. Those blocks are beautiful. Are they going to be two separate quilts or are you going to combine them into one?

  3. you have quite the collection of fabric - I have never followed one designer so much but with the different interest in quilting that we have that makes sense - you are a quilt artist of color!

  4. I have never bought any of the shot cottons or stripes . . . it took me years to get comfortable using plaids (which I now love). Funny how we gravitate to certain things (or avoid them) until we define our style.

  5. Well, pulling out all these stripes is a good way to poke at your memory so that when the day comes to make them you'll be ready!
    Our fall leaves are really mixed up this year. Usually the oaks hang on well into November but everything is coming down at once! Our back yard is knee deep in sycamore AND oak leaves.

  6. What a great post today Wanda ! Your stash of stripes and the gorgeous quilts from the past are awesome. And don’t put those blue ‘n red blocks to far away they are stunning and would love to see them multiply in a top. Easy for me to say I know…(*._.*)


  7. Hi Wanda, I love all your luscious Kaffe stripes! Thanks for showing them. I regret not buying a few when they first came out. Like Roberta Horton's woven plaids, there's just nothing else like them.

  8. I love the colors in your fabric pull of stripes in the 3rd photo down. They would make a great quilt! Also, I love the mitered squares in the 2nd to last photo. Hope you do something with them!

  9. I heard several years ago that they were no longer going to produce the wovern stripes. That's when I went on my buying jag. It's getting really hard to find them anywhere these days.

    They do, however, intro some new stripes every now and again. They tend to be more two-color per design, rather than many colors/values in one fabric.

    I've always loved that diamond quilt with the light and darker values. I need to pull that book out again and take a closer look.

    I also bought the book with the X quilt pattern. I first saw that quilt made from KFC fabrics in a quilt store in Eugene, OR. I remember following your blog as you were making it. Another someday quilt for me!

  10. I wonder how many of us have a drawer with projects begun but not continued on with. I have quite a few of the KF stripes, also his shot cottons, I've used these and love the colours but one I used quite a few years ago I had to starch, it was too flimsy but I think they seem to be a better weight now.

  11. I never put my Thanksgiving cactus into hibernation and it is now full of buds.

  12. Love seeing all the quilts you've made using those stripes. I've found a few Kaffe stripes quite flimsy, but I still use them all the same. Love those plaids too.
    I must pop back through your posts to read up about your MO Colourworks version, it's been on my 'to do' list for ages!

  13. i had a nice collection of about 9 yards' worth but alas sold them to finance a vacation....wish i hadn't...hindsight is 20/20...


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