
Tuesday, November 1, 2022

October 2022 monthly recap..............

One finish for October.  The top was made in January 2021. The finished size is 56.5" x 80.5".  I have made over 25 sixteen patch quilts and this is the only one that I placed the blocks on point.

I made 5 quilt tops and I have them in 2 collages.  The Log Cabin quilt on the left was made from blocks assembled in previous months and squares made of 2 prints were added to make the star blocks.  It is 63" x 84".

The batik colorwash is 32" x 31.5".

The Square Within, my version of a Karla Alexander pattern, is made of Kaffe Fassett Collective and Martha Negley fabrics.  The size is 53" x 74".

I'm calling the pattern for these 2 quilts "The Other 16 Patch".  Each block has 16 pieces that are rectangular in shape compared to the 16 patch we are more used to that has 16 squares in a block.  The one on the left is my Cool version and is 55.5" x 74.5".   On the right the block is turned one quarter turn and is my HOT version.  It is 65" x 81".

As usual I had hoped to finish more quilts.  I got a backing pieced and loaded on the longarm, chose thread and threaded the machine and then I ran out of energy.  It will be the first finish of November. 

I have finished 208 quilts in the last 10 years (including this year).  123 of them were quilted on the longarm and 85 were quilted on either my Pfaff or my Babylock straight stitch machine (ditch quilting). 

2016 and 2018 were my least productive years and 2014 was the most productive year by count.


  1. I am not sure that I would ever use "least" when describing your productivity--it is amazing all the quilts you've created!! :)))
    Plus they are all so lovely--congratulations on another productive time.

    Raining moderately here this morning with 55 degree temps at 5:45 (up early for medication for my throbbing tooth!); Hope your day is a good one.
    Hugs Julierose

  2. So many beautiful quilts and a great finish for the 16 patch on-point quilt. I'm always amazed at how much you achieve each day. I know I could do more but some days I can't be bothered. I always have to put everything away at the end of the day. I wish I could finish what I'm doing, leave it and get back to it in the morning. Oh well, only myself to blame haha.
    We've had sunshine the past few days - a bit milder with a little rain. Autumn weather and our clocks went back on Sunday. The leaves on my tree in the large tub have turned golden and will drop off soon. I look at it and reminds me of your ginormous tree further along your street :)

  3. Your finish is fabulous. I need to pin a reminder to my design wall to always look at on-point settings before it finish a layout.

  4. What a grand show today, you certainly out did yourself in October…


  5. That's an impressive tally! Both the hot and the cool colorways are wonderful.

  6. I continue to be inspired by your creativity, your energy, and your generosity, not only with your quilting but in the garden as well. If I were half as productive as you, I wouldn't have as much stash as I have right now. More than I will ever use. Like the energizer bunny, you just keep going, and going, and going.

  7. Hi Wanda,
    This on point 16 patch quilt is fabulous, the binding and back, too! I'm blown away not only by the amount that you produce, but the variety and deftness with which you select great colors for different designs. Your blog is a true inspiration. Keep having fun tucking away your beautiful gardens! Marnie

  8. The first one is still my favorite of all, but they are all pretty. You always bless me with your arrangement of color and pattern! Thank you.

  9. 25 - that's a lot of 16 patches but they're always stunning!


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