
Thursday, November 10, 2022

Corner squares...............

I was trying to decide which way the stripes should go on the corner squares and then it was obvious, they should go both directions.  I'm not 100% positive that the plaid is a Kaffe fabric but I had it on the same shelf with the stripes and shot cottons.

I only cut 2 corners to look at for awhile and decide if I was happy with the color and value.  I decided dark corners would call attention out away from the center of the quilt.

The advantage of doing the border this way is that it can be webbed right along with the blocks as I sew each seam from top to bottom in the quilt.  With fabric as soft as these stripes are, it might be impossible to get a border without ripples if I sewed it on in one long piece.

I raked and mowed over leaves yesterday afternoon and then mowed the front yard for the last time this season.  Today is supposed to get up to 75 so I will check to see what else needs to be done outside.

As the outside garden will be put to bed with the freezes this weekend, the indoor garden is just starting to bloom.

My favorite light pink cactus has lots of buds this year.  It had normally bloomed 3 - 5 times in the fall-winter-spring season but the last 2 years it had a lot fewer buds and only bloomed once.  I have several pieces from this one that I rooted and they all have buds on them too.


  1. Nice border corner choices--they fit right in so well...
    Your cacti are so pretty..I will call my garden center again and see if their
    shipment has come in..they said they had no idea when the last time!!

    It is 46 here and due to go up to high 50's--still pretty chilly in the mornings--but we've had a spell of lovely sunny days...hugs, Julierose

  2. How clever of you to use a plaid for the corners! That was a smart way of sewing the borders. Makes for less seams to match too!

  3. the border is looking good as you have it. I agree it is hard to have a border not ripple I will need to try that idea to actually have it cut in pieces to match the rows. I don't have enough leaves down to even think of mulching them yet. They will turn quickly now though over the next week or two with the weather beginning to turn tomorrow - it will be dropping 20 degrees from what it has been the last 5 days.

  4. I don't know if it is the same orange/red plaid or not, but you sent me scraps of a woven that looks almost exactly like your corner squares. It's perfect for your quilt top! AND I keep seeing Christmas cacti in the stores but resist as I've never been able to get them to bloom like my mom did (and you do), so I'll enjoy your blooms here on the blog.

  5. I too, feel you have selected the right corner fabric. But knowing you,. . . . You love to ‘maybe’ surprise us.

    Lovely cactus blossoms and I was happy to hear you too have a plant that blooms 3 ~ 5 times a year. I thought I had a plant that started with 2 different slips in the pot.


    P.S. it is really winter here with a foot of snow in the yard and 3 feet plus in the mountains already. We’re way above normal for November for snow fall.

  6. Perfect border treatment especially with the addition of those corner squares.

  7. Another fantastic quilt! What a clever solution to your corner predicament! The plaid makes perfect sense and blends in beautifully with the stripes.


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