
Friday, November 11, 2022

Sewn, not pressed..........

The quilt made with Kaffe Fassett yarn dyed woven stripes is sewn together but not pressed yet.  It is going to make a very lightweight quilt when finished.

Earlier yesterday morning I trimmed the mottled batik 16 patch quilt.  The backing is a much richer blue color than this photo shows.  I cut the binding and sewed it on last night and started the hand sewing but got only one side finished.  Hopefully I can finish the hand stitching in a couple days.

I was looking for something in some older Kaffe Fassett books and found that the Shards quilt in a 2015 book is similar to a quilt in a 2006 book.  In the older book the block is 4 x 4 and in the new book the block is 5 x 5.  They are both the broken dishes block.



  1. Lovely stripes all sewn together--I like the older version of KF's shards--that's a lot of broken dishes to make...
    We are waiting on the rains to come here; and tonight we are expected to get winds gusting to 50mph--hope no power issues...hugs, Julierose

  2. I have looked at that Shards design multiple times - must go see if I have the 2006 book with the Broken Dishes version which I like more. Your KF top is gorgeous - so saturated and full of movement. Beautiful!

  3. Just caught up on a weeks worth of posts. I always look forward to seeing your cactus start to bloom - so many pretty colours. My Fuchsia's are still in bloom - don't think they are growing; just holding on to what's already bloomed and sometimes stays like that through a mild winter :)

  4. It has to feel good with the progress you have made with your Stripes and mottled 16 patch.

    0 degrees in the mountains this morning. It’s going to be a brisk walk today.


  5. We just got back from a chilly 22degree walk here n Nebraska. The dog was so happy when we turned towards home!

  6. That is great you got the striped top all sewn together!

  7. The stripes quilt looks wonderful. I'm curious if you had any trouble sewing in the lighter weight woven fabric? Did you prewash? I don't recall if you prewash your fabrics. Did you use starch?

  8. The stripe quilt is looking wonderful. A light weight quilt is a good idea for that one. I like to use flannel sheets as batting on my summer quilts.

  9. Those look like 4patch hourglass blocks. I'm not seeing broken dishes-which I've made 120 of this week ;-)

  10. I went through a couple of Kaffe books recently and the Broken Dishes variations stood out to me, too. I really like your stripes project.


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