
Thursday, August 11, 2022

All over the place...............

I have too many days where I wander all over and do a little on a lot of things.  It doesn't feel like progress somehow.

I chose a batik backing for this crazy pieced wallhanging.  I needed a little under 1.5 yards and looked for a yellow but didn't find enough yardage on any piece.  Second choice was a black and white and this very early 1990s Hoffman batik is perfect.  It is one that isn't easy to use in a lot of patterns and there was plenty for a back with almost 2 yards still left.

If you look closely you can see the little imperfections that batiks have since they are hand printed.

I have a lot of the plastic project boxes and I decided to see what I have in some of them.  The first one I opened has leftover Kaleidoscope blocks and pieces.  There are 5 blue blocks sewn (minus corners) that are using leftovers from 2 quilts.

There are enough red/orange/yellow pieces for either 2 or 3 blocks. I should have put a note in there after I counted them....but I didn't.

I laid out one combination of color block.

There are enough pieces for 2 more blocks like that.  I can't tell you how many times I have pulled these out over the last 10 years, played with them and put them back in.  Do I really want to get sidetracked with this?

I really made an effort in this last year to put all of the leftover wedges in the same box.  There are 50 wedges here, enough for 6 blocks and 2 wedges left over.  They are 1/4" shorter than the previously shown pieces.  I don't have a good photo of the quilt these are left over from so I need to do that soon.

After all of that I went outside and pulled weeds along the rock edging of my backyard flower bed.  My knees weren't happy so I just did one large bucket full.

Then I went to the basement to put in a load of laundry and while I was down there I started rearranging my Martha Negley fabrics.  I started pulling the pretty pink prints.  They are really large prints so I think I need to cut 12.5" squares and then make 9 patches with 4.5" strips for every other block.  Maybe just a small quilt.......

Today I need to bake frosted creams.  My grandson from CO is moving back to IL (not sure of the date) and this is his visit before the move.  This was his favorite dessert when he was little and I think he still likes it.  It's actually a favorite of the whole family.  The recipe is at the bottom of this post.


  1. oooo, the pinks are so pretty! There are lots of pink things blooming in gardens around here at the moment ; the wild flowers are in a yellow phase. So a pink quilt sounds like fun.

    A couple of my kids just moved to IL this week - clearly the force is with IL at the moment.


  2. OMG! We loved frosted creams, too. Wonder if that's an IL thing or if they go by another name in other areas?

    And days like you describe with a little of this and a little of that are just your brain resting and waiting for the next inspiration. You know that, so enjoy the rest while waiting for 'idea lightning' to strike!

  3. My days are like that too--a little here a little there...I have many plastic containers with projects that I've begun and then left off. I do have a touch of "startitis" it seems...
    hugs, Julierose

  4. Sometimes you need the wander around days so your brain can percolate ideas and make connections. You can't always work at full tilt or things burn out and seem burdensome. Your wonderful ideas needs some marinating before they burst out full bloom.

  5. You are not alone with your meandering! Some days are like that where you just take care of a lot of little things and don't think you have anything to show for it. Those pink fabrics are so pretty! I have a pair of heavy duty knee pads that are used mostly for installing flooring that I wear when I weed. I just can't kneel with unpadded knees anymore especially on concrete! The knee pads are easier to use rather than having a pad that needs to be moved from place to place.

  6. ‘All over the place’ was a fun filled show of photos for sure. Backing for your yellow crazy quilt is perfect. Still your left overs are so organized in their boxes. I’d say you had a good day yesterday.


  7. I almost always do a little on a lot of things each day I sew! I don't like to just work on one quilt at a time. Sometimes it takes me years to finish a quilt. It's interesting to see people's processes.

    And I like finding fun surprises, scraps and leftovers in project boxes. It's like sourdough starter but starter for another quilt.

  8. I have always loved that black and yellow piece - what a perfect backing fabric! As for the wedges, since you have pulled them in and out so many times, and don't want to go down "that rabbit hole" I'm curious if you really want to keep them or sell them in a pop-up shop so someone else can play with them.

  9. I'm leaving a comment for yesterday along with this one, hope you don't mind Wanda, I'm really behind with reading posts. Winged Square - I love the block, the colours and the secondary pattern that is created but those triangles must be pretty small! I do hope you're going to use those leftover kaleidoscope pieces, the block setting you have laid out is stunning, the red /yellow pieces glow!

  10. I still LOVE that yellow one. Why is it we feel as though we accomplish nothing when we are in so many places?

  11. That is exactly what I do!! Wander all over and do a bit on many things....feel like I have done nothing then take a nap...OMG


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