
Wednesday, August 10, 2022

#2 finish for August...........

Winged Square a/k/a Cut Glass Dish block.  I made 2 quilt tops with this block so I could call one Winged Square and the other one Cut Glass Dish.  This one is 47" x 58.5".

It is quilted with a medium size meander, gray YLI cotton thread on top, Bottom Line light beige thread in the bobbin.  Batting is Hobbs 80/20.

The backing is an early Brandon Mably (#05) fabric called Dapple with an added strip of Dahlia by Kaffe Fassett to make it wide enough for the top.   Binding is Fern (Kaffe) in purple with blue.

When I looked out the kitchen window yesterday morning this is what I saw.  Both Shepherd's hooks were leaning and the caged feeder on the right was hooked over the end of the pole on the left.  It appears something climbed up one of them and then was pulling the caged feeder over toward them.  I'm guessing maybe a small raccoon.  The ground was soft after the 2" of rain and the poles had already been leaning slightly.  Time for me to go out and reposition both poles and fill the feeders.
Early last evening I mowed the grass in the front and side yards.  Last mowing was 2 weeks ago.  I might mow the back on Thursday as that sounds like a cool day.  Today is supposed to be the warmest day this week in the mid 80s.

Marcia Derse's new line, Random Thoughts, is at the stores now.  I had to have a little of it to add to my previous stash.  I was glad there were some new light fabrics this time.



  1. Your quilt is gorgeous as usual. Just make sure it wasn't a bear knocking down the feeder. They are fattening up for hibernation. Some here have traveled many miles in I day

  2. both of the quilts are great looking. My husband cut the grass yesterday - I got out of it for a change and he took the initiative - usually I do as I get tired of looking at it long

  3. Nice that you've already had two finishes!! Cut Glass is really so pretty...
    Our temp this morning and dewpoint have dropped enough so that we were able to go for our walks...nice to be able to breathe in some fresher air!!
    Hugs, Julierose

  4. A lot of little pieces in that finish! Great new fabrics. I find it so hard to buy correctly online. Hope you got your feeders straightened out.

  5. Two finished in 9 days - yeah! The fabrics are so pretty! With the rain we have had I will probably have to mow again this weekend. I mowed on 8/5, but I can tell the grass is growing fast!

  6. I saw different patterns every time I looked at this one. Like your gardens so full of colorful variety and beauty.

    Nice array of new pieces to add to your stash.

    I’d bet it was a coon that attacked your feeders, they are determined critters.


  7. Oh, I really like your Cut Glass Dish quilt. I like traditional patterns and I especially like ones that make secondary patterns when put together. I had a bright idea (not really that bright) to make six inch Cut Glass Dish blocks because I also like small blocks. Didn't get very far with that idea.


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