
Wednesday, July 20, 2022


Here are the latest 8 blocks, 4 from Monday and 4 from yesterday.  I have 4 more backgrounds cut and I'll be looking for another batch today.

I put them all up on the design wall in no particular order.  I think I will take them all down and pile them in color groups.  I have 31 pieced blocks and 19 Charley Harper fabrics cut right now.  If I'm going to make 99 blocks like Anne (Springleaf Studios) did, I am half way done.  I have a few more Charley fabrics to cut and after I count them I'll know how many more pieced blocks to make. (This info is here for me to check back to when I forget what I am doing 😉).

There are a couple Sunflowers growing on the lot line in the back, squirrel planted I think, and I have one that I planted in a pot.  I would be extremely happy if all three bloomed.

Here is another angle in my backyard looking over the my hanging pots in the background. Speaking of the hanging pots, something has been devouring the leaves in 2 of the baskets and it looks like they might be starting on the third one.  I haven't seen any bugs on them so I'm not sure if it is the Japanese beetles or something else.

I had an annual checkup with the pacemaker group yesterday and they say everything is working correctly and no blips on the readings.  My battery is estimated to last another 1.5 - 2 years.  My pacemaker will be 5 years old on Aug. 31.


  1. Trees are looking good! Something is munching on my basil and I don't see the culprit. Since I have a bumper crop, I don't mind sharing and will just keep an eye on it for now.

  2. Just lovely bold trees bursting with color. I can't believe it will be five years soon! You certainly have made creative use of your time. Had some rain on Monday but are due to have high heat today so I hope everything makes it.

  3. You have trees that look like summer, fall, and spring. I really like the addition of Charley Harper blocks. Happy little creatures in the forest!

  4. the plants look wonderful - it is good that they can accurately estimate when they need to change the battery out on the pacemaker

  5. I meant to add that years and years ago - I believe it was 1971 I was able to watch an old style pacemaker being inserted I was working at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Milwaukee when I worked there as an aide in the CCU department and they let some of us observe the procedure it was interesting I'm sure the whole thing is so very different now

  6. Good news about your pacemaker;)))
    the Arboretum trees are looking so pretty all together...nice work
    Stay cool--DP is already 76 at 9 a.m. and 86 degrees--talk about heat!!
    Hugs from inside the AC Julierose

  7. Your trees and plants, fabric and real are looking good. I always enjoy seeing what pops up unexpectedly in your garden. Good to know your pacemaker is doing it's job, so you can keep on creating with your gorgeous fabrics :)
    Had a HOT day yesterday - temps hit 38c/100f at 2pm! Down to 25c/73f today so feeling better. Need to water plants most days. Hope all is well with you :)

  8. I like the variety of branches on the tree trunks, they really make this quilt top so unique. Plus adding your birds and critters was a brilliant addition to your creation. Such fun watching this one grow.



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