
Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Back to the trees...............

I cut 8 fabrics for the trees yesterday.  The top 2 are from the same fabric.  I see now that I could have cut along the edge of the different sections in the print like the right side of the one on the left.  I might cut some more from that fabric if I can find a different group of flowers.

I haven't pressed these yet so they aren't trimmed to their final size.

I have the branch and trunk fabric chosen for the next four.

There are only a few Black Eyed Susan plants left where there used to be a big section of them.  They are just starting to bloom.

The Brown Eyed Susans are tall and bushy.  2 clumps of them have been eaten off by some critter but luckily they left at least 5 clumps.

The Brown Eyed Susans haven't bloomed yet but when they do, they will last all the way through September.

Last but not least are the purple Coneflowers just because they are so pretty this year.



  1. Those fabrics with the multiple prints in one fabric do make great backgrounds for your trees. I am expecting the yard to look better with all the rain we had this weekend. I did look at my zucchini plants and they are getting bigger but I still don't have any zucchini!

  2. my black eyed susan's started to bloom a couple weeks ago but I do not have near what I had a couple years ago. I had dug a lot of them out as they had overtaken my area I transplanted them some place on the property but I think wherever I put them Mike didn't realize they were flowers and poisoned along with brush along the property line. Next time I do that I will need to make them well!!

  3. Your trees are lovely--my trees defeated me!! I am sending my 6 off to Dawn to add to her group...["I talk to the trees, but they don't listen to me!"];)))

    Anyway--Back to humidity today--72 dewpoint at 9:30 a.m. AC for me!!
    Stay cool hugs, julierose

  4. My half dozen black eyed susan plants from two years ago have exploded to the point that they now fill the bed and have totally overshadowed the shasta daisies that were in there with them. I definitely have to do something about them come winter. I am so amazed at how you are motivated each day to be creative.

  5. Your fabric combinations always fascinates me. The precision stitching of the trunk and branches is perfection.


  6. Love your fabric combinations your flowers are pretty.getting dry here with water bans so my garden looks awful


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