
Thursday, July 21, 2022

Don't you love a surprise?..........

I didn't recognize the address on this box that arrived yesterday.

I cut the straps and picked up the contents of the box and looked down in it from the top.

I followed all of the directions on the wrapper and here is the result.  Aren't they beautiful?  And scented too.

And of course, a close up.

Here is the info on the wrapper.  They are calling these garden roses on the enclosed care card.

A friend brought me some fresh picked blackberries so that meant ice cream last night.  Since I was already weighed at my 2 dr. appointments I can now have dessert again.

I sewed 2 blocks last night but didn't turn on the iron so they aren't trimmed yet.

I baked 2 batches of cookies yesterday, one early in the morning and the other late in the evening.  Little hands coming to visit this weekend will be holding the cookies.



  1. what pretty flowers and dessert! I continue to love all the variety of colors of those tree blocks

  2. Beautiful roses!! Such a subtle coloration in them...
    Hugs, Julierose

  3. The roses are gorgeous! Given the weather they were shipped in, it's amazing they look so good.
    I like the blocks where you've put a branch where the colors change on these fabrics.

  4. What a happy summer surprise ! Your garden roses have a light and delicate color like a page out of the Victorian magazine . They are so beautiful .

    Delicious black berry sunday ~. And more fun tree blocks to add to your piece.


  5. Such gorgeous delicate tones on the roses! Surprises, the nice ones, are always a treat.

  6. The roses are so beautiful! I've received flowers shipped that way a few times and they've lasted for weeks! I hope you get long enjoyment from your roses.

  7. Your roses are beautiful!!! What a lovely surprise! And the blackberries look so good! Makes me want a blackberry cobbler!!!!

  8. Such a beautiful surprise!
    Those blackberries and ice cream look delicious 😋
    How nice to have little ones visit.


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