
Friday, July 1, 2022

June 2022 monthly recap...............

Three quilt tops were sewn in June.  The colors are so much different in real life although the zig zag is truer color than the quarter square triangle top.  The small one is 30" x 36" and the larger one is 56.5" x 72.5".   I think I will make one more yellow quilt top while the fabrics are out and then I need to destash the yellows that are left.

This is the third quilt top made in June.  It is 56" x 75".  The details about it are on this post.

I almost finished the quilting on the African colorwash, about 8" left to quilt.

I spent a lot of time outside in June and on the really hot days it was too hot in my studio to work in there so I spent more time cleaning off tables and sorting fabrics in the basement.

Outside, the first Coneflower bloom is here.  You can see behind it another not far behind.

Bugs start eating holes in the petals shortly after they bloom.  

I thought maybe we wouldn't have Japanese Beetles this year but they are busy devouring my Evening Primrose plants.  Next they will probably eat the ferns.  I have cut down almost all of the Rose of Sharon so they won't have that to feast on this year.


  1. do you have trouble with the white fly on the coneflowers there like I do here in the south? If you do not begin to spray with insecticide of some sort (or soap) the top of the plant will just wither and die - I have been spraying different groups of plants almost daily with a insecticide soap this week - the white fly here especially like the tiger lilies and the coneflowers
    Love your quilts and color

  2. Your June finishes are beautiful …. Your yellows remind me if the terrific hot temps you were having then. Checker board is so delightful, and one of my favorites. Yellows are pure sunshine happy.


  3. Lovely finishes for June--I [sadly] don't have a monthly recap!! I guess the de-stashing would be mine? anyway--I am feeling so much better now looking at my skinnier stash...I can almost "know" exactly what I have in each colorway stack. ;))) Hugs for a wonderful 4th of July weekend Hugs, Julierose

  4. I noticed some Japanese beetles on the Sycamore tree leaves yesterday. Going to be hot today. I have a picnic to attend, but it will be inside, so the heat shouldn't be an issue. Hard to believe it's July already.

  5. Another productive month for you Wanda, I downloaded the pattern for the Interweave quilt and will soon be thinking about fabric choice - I hope.

  6. I have a stack of predominately yellow KF collective fabrics pulled but I've changed my mind so many times about which design to use that I'm about to put them back on the shelf and start a whole new fabric pull that includes some KF but with a lot of other fabrics from my stash. KUDOS to you for completing two and planning a third!


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