
Sunday, July 3, 2022

Binding choice dilemma............

I trimmed the African colorwash wall hanging and I knew I wanted a black binding but not a solid color because they tend to fade faster from any light source.  I thought this black with dark gray print was good and cut it and sewed the strips together and now I'm not sure.  It is almost too dull. 

It is just laying under the quilt, not sewn on.  Today with better lighting I'll look through my black with brown print fabrics.

I'm glad I got the lawn mowed yesterday since it looks like heat and rain could both be coming our way for a few days.

I have a new great-grandson who decided to make an early appearance.  He weighs 3 lb. and is doing well. He was born near midnight Sat/Sun so I haven't found out whether his birthday is July 1 or 2.


  1. Many congratulations on your new great-grandson--happy to hear he is doing well...;)))
    I like the dark gray binding. Sets it off really well... hugs, Julierose

  2. oh my goodness only 3 pounds - how early was he? Hope all will be well.

  3. Congratulations on your new great-grandson. I hope mother and baby are doing well.

  4. Congratulations to your family on the new baby! An exciting time for all - does he get a baby quilt? As a baby quilt maker myself I would be interested to see your no doubt more elevated version of a great-grandson quilt.


  5. Baby Great Grandson is tiny and I assume still in the hospital to gain some weight. . . Good to hear, him and his mom are doing well.

    I know you’ll find the perfect binding in that awesome stash of yours.


  6. I like your binding choice. If you want a bit more color, add a bit of piping/flange?

    And congratulations on the new great-grand.

  7. Hi Wanda, I like how you audition binding fabrics, I do that too! I used to decide ahead of Tim but I really like to see how the quilt turns out before choosing. Congratulations on your new great grandchild! Hope you have a happy 4th!

  8. Congratulations on your new family member! Black with brown might be a better choice for the binding but deciding to quilt the zebra stripes was a brilliant choice!

  9. Happy for your very little Great-Grand Son!!!
    Happy Fourth of July!!
    Happy quilting & I would like to see that great-grandson's quilt too!

    Kay in Kansas:)

  10. Prayers that the little one is able to grow strong and healthy since his early appearance. Hard to tell about the binding, I am sure it will be fine.

  11. I'd forgotten about using the fabric itself as a quilting pattern, thanks for the reminder to consider that option.

    Congratulations on the great-grandson! Hope all goes well for the little guy, and Mom & Dad also.

  12. Congratulations on the new great grandson. Three pounds is small! I remember when my son's twin girls were born and how tiny they were - both less than 3 each! They are now 11 and normal sized kids.

  13. I always loved that swirl print. Looks great to me.


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