
Monday, July 4, 2022

15 years of blogging.............

5697 posts in 15 years...who would have thought I still had anything to say.  Almost 75,000 comments have been left on my posts.

On the sewing front: I found another fabric for binding and sewed it on the African colorwash wall hanging.  I have 2 sides hand stitched and a start on the third side.

This photo is to show the print on the binding fabric (click on photo to enlarge).  The light shining directly on it makes the tiger stripes and binding look brown but they are black.  Maybe I'll have a finish to show tommorrow.



  1. That’s an amazing run! Congratulations.

  2. Keep blogging, Wanda! Your blog is the first one I read every day!

  3. And I am so very happy you are still inspiring us every day. Thank you!

  4. Congratulations on 15 years!!! So many things have changed, but quilting is still your constant. Waiting to see where the next 15 years take you.

  5. Happy 4th of July! Your creativity always gives me inspiration!

  6. Congratulations Wanda! I have followed for almost 11 yrs and have learned so much from you. The colorwash class was phenomenal and I learned about webbing my tops and so many other things I can't think of right now. You have contributed to my growth and encouragement as a quilter. Thank you!!

  7. I have so enjoyed your blog over the years. Congratulations!!

  8. Think of the inspiration and pleasure you have given over so many years - an accomplishment indeed!


  9. Congrats on your 15 wonderful years--love your posts--always a read for me hugs, Julierose

  10. I'm so very glad you started blogging and sharing your quilts, that I found your blog ? years ago, and *especially* glad you keep blogging and haven't gone to solely to IG or FB. Thank You for all that.

    Interesting - yesterday's post, you thought the gray/black binding was too dull. Yet this one seems even more subdued? But we all know photos and monitors don't tell the whole story. I bet it's far different in person. I do like the new binding.

  11. 15 years - I think I totally missed mine in April - started the same year. congratulations

  12. And I will hit fifteen years in just three more days. I still can't believe that we both started our blogs at almost the exact same time! I am so grateful to you and how you share what you do. Happy blogiversary and here's to MANY more!!! p.s. Happy Fourth of July!

  13. Congratulations on 15 years of blogging. You have inspired so many quilters and seeing your gardens and plants is always a pleasure. Here's to many more.

  14. 5697 blogs ! ! ! Amazing just amazing. Would love to see your very first introduction blog. Or tell us which one on your side bar it was.

    I’m looking forward to seeing your African wall hanging completed.


  15. Congratulations! I remember starting mine in November 2006 just as a personal diary. I was absolutely shocked when I got the first comment. Yours is a constant source of inspiration for so many people, especially me! I'm grateful that you are still blogging.

  16. Funny, but I was just thinking about you and your blog while I was making my breakfast... thinking what a huge job it is to do a daily blog post and being amazed that you've kept it up so long!

    For me, It's a lot of stress to try to keep up daily posts for more than a week or so.

    You're a rock star!!!

  17. Congratulations Wanda! I always like to check in and see what wonders are being created in your sewing room.

  18. Happy blogaversary to you, Wanda! I enjoy your quilts and your garden.

  19. What a great choice you ended up with for the binding! Definitely worth the extra searching. And congratulations on 15 years of blogging--I love watching what comes forth from your imagination and love of shape, color, and pattern.

  20. Hi Wanda,
    It was in early July, about eight years ago that I happened upon your blog andI have been checking it out every morning ever since. I have found inspiration, magical color combinations, wonderful quilt patterns and all sorts of ideas about gardening as well. Thank you, for such abiding pleasure. You gift all of us so well.
    Marnie Haines

  21. I love reading your blog every day, whether it's about quilting or your gardening. Every post has photo's of what you get up to and they are a joy to see. Well done on your 15 years of sharing 'The Life of Wanda' and how to stay fit :)


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