
Saturday, April 23, 2022

Rows and rows of triangles..............

I got the side rows of 3" triangles sewn to the center made of 2" triangles.  Then I sewed the rows of 4" triangles.  Here is where the math doesn't come out even and I need to add two 2" triangles into the side rows to make them long enough.  I decided to sew the rows and then I'll pick out the seam where I need to insert them.  I put some 6" triangles up on the design wall to show where it will go next.

Earlier in the day yesterday I sewed the one long seam in the backing for the pastel 16 patch and got it loaded on the longarm.  I cut the batting next and then just laid the top on there.  I need to vacuum the whole area around the machine before I do the quilting.

The Lungwort is in full bloom in most of the areas in the backyard.

I'm happy to see my new Compact Burning Bushes starting to leaf out.  They are getting lots of good rain this month to make up for last summer and fall's dry season.  We got another .6" rain yesterday.



  1. Love those triangles--and the pastel piece is really so pretty, too.
    I got a hyacinth for Easter--which is now all flopped over...(??) don't know why..well the whole thing will go into the earth and out of its pot..for next year...
    hugs Julierose

  2. love the triangles and the quilt you have on the frame

  3. Your triangle project is fabulous - I don't have that many pieces and parts lying about so I would need to die cut some fabrics/scraps. Hmmmmm.....

  4. Triangle squares grows more spectacular by the day. And very good progress on your pastel 16 patch.


  5. Wow! That triangle quilt top is coming together in a hurry! Looking really good, too.

  6. The triangles are an energetic bunch. Love the size variations and of course, the wonderful colors.


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