
Friday, April 22, 2022

Downstairs, upstairs.............

I was determined to find at least one backing for a finished quilt top yesterday.  I ended up with this Martha Negley print for the back of the Economy block quilt.  I have 2 large pieces of it so there will be some left to use in another quilt.

Then it was back upstairs (main level of the house) to work on triangles.  I sewed a batch of 3" triangle squares and then created 4 columns with them.  They aren't sewn to each other or to the panel of 2" squares yet.  I need to press them first.  When those seams are sewn it should match up in size to the 3 rows of 4" triangle squares at the top.

It was in the mid 60s yesterday so I went out to check all of the pots along my garage.  I knew some of them were just dirt and others had perennials in them.  I didn't know I had any Sedum still in a pot.  I thought I had planted all of it.

There are a couple pots with Hardy Geranium in them.  I think this one has white flowers.

I think this is from the same plant but I'll find out later.  I had to dig out everything I wanted to save from the front flower beds before my landscape project happened in June last year.  

This is a Columbine that has been in this container for about 5 years.  I really need to plant it this year.

Today we are supposed to have a lot of rain so I will stay inside.



  1. Your containers look like they're "waking up" really well this year;)))
    I love the different sizes of those triangles together...
    hugs, Julierose

  2. Weather is a rollercoaster here- sunny one day, the next gray, rainy and windy. The tulips are a week behind this year from last. I have roofers coming when the weather permits and I am sick at how to protect the plants and perennials from trampling. The backing for the quilt is wonderful.

  3. I bought two pots of sedum at garden club this week and I can see signs on new growth in them. Also bought a white (not hardy) geranium at the club sale yesterday. The high school horticulture classes raise them and poinsettias to sell each year. Part of the money goes to greenhouse maintenance and the rest goes to the club's scholarship fund. We will be honoring 10 recipients at next month's meeting.

  4. Your top is coming along nicely. That backing fabric is very cool and will make a wonderful back. What nice surprises coming up in your pots! No rain this weekend in the forecast here! 80 degrees Saturday and Sunday! I know I will have to mow grass and cut back my ornamental grass. I will have to get outside early before it gets too hot.

  5. I over wintered 3 mums from last fall. Sometimes here you can plant those decorative fall plants in the garden and they will come back other times they don't come back it was late fall before I thought about mine and didn't know where I wanted to try to plant them so I just put them down by the garden and cover the pots thickly with pine needles and then uncovered them about a month ago - all came back and they are thick healthy plants now - they will go in the long narrow garden along the raised beds. I was pleased they came back.

  6. It sounds like you got plenty of exercise going up and down the stairs. :). I like your fabric choice and love those HSTs. It’s nice to see the plants coming bacl after their winter nap.

  7. I've been thinking a lot about economy blocks lately. I had to go back and look at your old blog posts on this quit top. This just might be the new project I'm craving.


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