
Thursday, April 21, 2022

Cutting and sewing............

Cutting and sewing and grocery shopping and laundry is the whole story.

I got the center panel sewn for the new triangle quilt.  This section is the 2" finished squares.  It is 2 rows wider and 3 rows longer than the one in the original quilt.

I had the iron on and pressed everything in sight while the washing machine was running.  This pile of 3" light triangles was cut to go with the dark triangles I already had.

I knew it was going to rain in the afternoon so I filled the bird feeders and then checked on my Lenten Rose plant.  It has grown about 4" taller and has another new bud near the bottom on the left side.  The bud up higher is starting to open too.

The first flower that bloomed is still there too.  It has been a cold April so far so I think that is why this flower is preserved so well.  Now we will have 3 or 4 warmer days so maybe more buds will open.  There is one more bud on this side too.



  1. the flower looks very like one that I have that will blossom in another week or two called Mediterranean Bells. To see inside the flower you have to lift it up and it looks a lot like that one. It rained here so much yesterday that it will be too wet to do much outside work for a while.

  2. What a pretty flower on the Lenten plant...
    Your triangle piece is coming together so well...lots of ironing!!
    hugs, Julierose

  3. Wonderful progress on the HSTs. Look terrific. Yesterday was gloriously sunny and daffodil filled. Today is cold, rainy and gray.

  4. The center panel is fabulous! I am so happy the Lenten Roses are doing so well.

  5. Hellebore flowers last a long time . Mine are doing well despite the cold and off and on snow. I spent 3 hours yesterday removing hairy bittercress from one garden.

  6. I just love Hellebores. I thought the rabbits destroyed mine because it was eaten down to nothing. It is usually one of the first things to bloom around March. I put some criss crossed selvages that formed a net over the top of the area hoping to keep rabbits away and it must have worked because now I see it might actually be blooming soon.

    We must be of like mind. I have lots of little baggies of HSTs in all sizes that I have been slowly sewing together. Not sure what I'm going to do with all of them but for now the goal is to empty a couple of litle boxes.

  7. Your triangle squares are mesmerizing, and I look forward to seeing the additions.

    The only Hellebores plant and blossom are those I’ve seen on your blog. And the pink and green blossom looks so dainty and yet they must be hardy to bloom so early.



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