
Sunday, April 24, 2022

2 big jobs........

My first big job yesterday was mowing my front and side yard for the first time this spring and doing it in 2 sessions.  The back yard doesn't need mowing yet.  It was 80 degrees yesterday and rain predicted for today.

Then I quilted the spring pastel 16 patch.

I also sewed 13 six inch triangle squares for my ongoing project.

I really love this batik that is on the back.  There will be a wide piece to cut off that I can use in other projects.

Now I have to decide on a binding fabric.



  1. We are having 80 degree temperatures this weekend too. The spring peepers and other frogs have been chorusing. Its a spring awakening.

  2. Beautiful quilting on this!! My DH figures that he will mow for the first time this coming week. Our grass is turning green finally!!
    Hugs, Julierose

  3. Hmm, has not reached that degree of warmness here. The tulips are a week late from where they were last year (not blooming yet). Love the pastel quilt- so soothing and fresh like spring air.

  4. Such a pretty quilt! I agree about the backing. Grass cutting season is well underway here with green season (ugh) and tree feathers falling like snow.

  5. I always like that on your quilts it is the piecing and the colors that are the star of the quilt

  6. Wasn't Saturday glorious? And now the clouds have rolled back in. (But 1.8" of rain Friday was welcome.)

  7. Your meandering quilting brings out even more pastel beauty. Enjoy your Sunday afternoon.


  8. Those were 2 big accomplishments!

  9. 🧶🧵✂️ Very pretty quilt. 🐦

  10. Your pastel 16-patch is so gorgeous! I love it!

  11. What a lovely spring quilt! It was 40 degrees here this morning, sigh... So looking forward to warmer weather.

  12. PLEASE mail me some of your energy immediately xoxoxo

  13. I, too, love the batik you used for the backing. Such a gorgeous quilt!

  14. Those were two big jobs! Your quilt looks so nice and I, too, love that backing for it.


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