
Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Parts department.........

I decided to put my pieces and parts for the Bear Paw blocks into a project box.  In the main part (left) I have the full amount of matching pieces to complete blocks and in the lid (right) I have pieces to combine to have enough to complete a block (scrappy).  I need to cut a lot more triangles in sets of 16 so that is my goal today.

Since I didn't have enough variety cut to make a Bear Paw block I worked on an alternate project while I watched 3 shows on TV.  I pulled out the brown related 2.5" strips in February and they have been hanging over the handle of a rolling cart all this time.  They aren't quite as bright as they look in this photo.  My intention was to make 16 patches but there aren't enough for a quilt without doing a lot more cutting.  I decided to look through my stash for possibilities for alternate blocks and came up with the 4 prints across the bottom of the photo.  I have enough of the leopard to do all of the alternate blocks but not enough of the other 3 so I would be using 2 or more alternating with the 16 patches.

I did some outside work yesterday.  I cut down a lot more of my peonies, pulled weeds and picked up branches in my back yard.  A friend came over and dug out one of the peonies to plant in her garden.


  1. I really like that circular scribble print at the lower right. I haven't forgotten your Lenten Rose. I am just waiting until it gets a bit cooler before I mail it.

  2. I like all 4 of the alternate block fabric choices. I think some of each would be more interesting than just one or two.
    Our weather has been unseasonably warm and delightful, but my husband injured his knee 2 weeks ago and I've been ferrying him to doctor's appts and MRIs all week, so no outside work got done at all. Sigh.

  3. I have been reading your blog, Wanda, for a long time. Well, skimming through would be more accurate......timing is everything I guess. Now, I am reading it and the comments on the regular. gosh.....I feel like I"m talking to real people and friends. thanks for this: it starts my day off in such calm and bright way.

    After at least 6-7 years of no sewing (since husband died and now I've moved from our mountain retirement back to Walnut Creek), I actually set up a small sewing room and pulled some fabrics to attempt to make my new GGD a Halloween pillow. I figure start on a scale that might afford me some success/encouragement!

    Good morning blog ladies.

  4. Good morning Kaaren (and everyone)! One thing Wanda demonstrates daily is how to make activities you love a part of your life. Enjoy your sewing!

  5. Those alternate blocks will make wonderful additions!

  6. You have set it all up for success with the Bear Paw. Lovely colors in the post- very October!

  7. Did you meet your goal cutting more triangles ? I’m sue you did. And the four jungle prints are pieces that made me smile. So ~ fun.



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