
Monday, May 10, 2021

Making progress..............

I got some more columns sewn on the die cut half hexagon quilt and I think I will attach the last 6 columns together and then I will have 2 halves to take to the ironing board and one last seam to sew and press.  I had pinned and taken down one column before I took this photo.

The Jack-in-the-Pulpits are getting taller and there are lots more of them this past week.

The Weigela bush is getting ready to bloom.  The other 2 colors bloom a little later.

I went to the local nursery and got all of my tomato plants and flowers for 3 new pots for my front porch.  We have frost warnings for the next couple mornings so nothing will go outside yet.


  1. Love the color of those Weigela's flowers...your half hexies are really coming together well...hugs on a rainy day Julierose

  2. we got quite chilly here as the day went by yesterday bringing a cold front through but not into the 40's that was mentioned. My sister in law in Indiana was in the 30's yesterday with light snow - she was glad she hadn't planted anything yet.

  3. The hexie top is coming along quick! It rained all day yesterday here and we had grapple around 9-11 in the morning yesterday. My Lenten Roses were looking so pretty and then this morning I looked out and they were drooping from the weight of the grapple. I am sure they will perk back up as soon as it warms up a bit. It was 37 here this morning when I left for work. Your plants look so pretty!

  4. What a nice subdued palette this is! I think horizontal when I pin rows together, so if I were making this I'd have the blocks oriented across (even if the final quilt were oriented vertically). Jack in the Pulpit is one of my favorite wildflowers. We have a lot at the back of the yard where it's shady.

  5. We are down into the low 40s at night this week - the outdoor plants will be fine but I"m glad they are not newly planted from a greenhouse. The temperature drop would be a bigger challenge for them in that situation.

  6. Love how the hexagons are going together. Still cold here, with rain, so things are growing, but too wet to plant seeds and weed and too cold to plant the pots with annuals.

  7. Your perfection REALLY shows on this piece, matching just with pinning column rows. You must have a system other than pins ? I'm sure it's called professionalism !


  8. The colo arrangement of the blocks is really great. It won’t be long before you won’t need to worry about frosts.

  9. Wanda, you simply amaze me! You get so much done and run circles around what I'm capable of doing both inside and out. I like the half hexies.

  10. Really love this quilt! Is it a standalone Accuquilt die?


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