
Friday, February 5, 2021

Finding fun stuff...............

I was looking through the drawers of one of my rolling carts and found all of these batik  scrappy pieced strips clipped together.  Each pile is the same width but different lengths.  I looked back through my old photos and see I was making these in 2015 and 2016.

I found this photo in 2016 when I had finished trimming them to even widths and had them all up on the design wall.

I have no plans for them currently but it was fun to find them and look through them.



  1. It looks like you were making another type of "Library" quilt.

  2. I would have trouble putting those back in the drawer!

  3. They look like they would be a lot of fun to work with...hugs, Julierose

  4. I like where you were going with those. That was a fun find.

  5. That's why I don't have UFOs. I get so excited when I find them again and wonder why I ever put them away. Those look wonderful and will make a striking quilt. I would add more seams before putting them away again, if they ever get put away again.

  6. Serendipity -- a quilt half-made! What popped into my head is a multi-colored batik alternating horizontally with the bands you've made. If a band is too short then insert the multicolored batik vertically.

  7. And the interesting thing is that all of these pieces of fabric could have easily been thrown away because they were "too small to be used." But by sewing them all together, you can get a beautiful quilt.

  8. I agree, that was a fun find. Enlarging the photos really shows off the awesome array of fabrics. That small batik with heart caught my eye right away.

    Your Amaryllis have been a treat to watch also. Can't believe your waxed bulb has decided to sprout yet another blossom.


  9. I think they would just look terrific all sewn together with a thin horizontal dark strip in between. Love all the colors and textures.

  10. Oh yes, Wanda, you need to sew these strips together!!! And make a quilt top.. large or small won’t matter!!!

  11. Please do think about sewing the rows together with strips in between the rows, I believe it would smashing.

  12. Those are some beautiful pieces and parts. With such narrow pieces that were made into strips, I would definitely use sashing otherwise you could end up with a lot of bulk with all those seams piling on top of each other. Adding a dark sashing and randomly sewing the pieces together could result in a fabulous quilt.

  13. Oh, this is exciting and affirming. On my last post I put a photo of my yellow plus contrasts scraps sewn much like these and tossed randomly on the design wall. Intention is like a couple ideas mentioned here, when all the bits are sewn. It will be interesting (and likely helpful) to see what you do with yours!! FUN.


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