
Thursday, February 4, 2021

Amaryllis joy..........

I put the wax coated Amaryllis by the west window so the last bloom could get some sunshine.

I was so busy watching the red bloom that I didn't notice until yesterday that a new bud stalk is peeking out of the bulb.  It took about a month from this stage to full bloom on the first stalk.

The second Amaryllis has 2 flowers fully opened.  I chose a striped one when I ordered the bulb with my gift certificate from a friend.

The buds on the second stalk are starting to open too and they are about the same height now.

I turned all of the Crossed Canoe blocks so that 4 light points meet and 4 dark points meet.  It creates big squares in the background and the canoes are floating over the top.  I haven't made any more blocks yet, just enjoying these blocks on the design wall.  (blocks are die cut, 9" finished blocks)

More snow predicted today...........


  1. So which is prettier? Amaryllis or Canoe ? Beats me, I love them both

  2. I do like the way you've set those canoe blocks--the central portion beautiful...
    That striped amaryllis is just lovely. I am expecting a paperwhites kit this weekend in the mail. I need a breath of Spring around here with all these snow events...
    Hugs, Julierose

  3. out of the 5 amaryllis that I had from last year two of them are producing flowers - One is ready to open this week with red flowers and has a second bud at the base coming up and one that I thought was just going to be leaf's all of a sudden has a bud coming up so this will be nice to watch over the month and see what color this one will be - I had red and white

  4. Stunning, both the quilt and the flower!

  5. The flowers look so great especially with all the white outside. I love this quilt. I had no idea these blocks would look so great together. The colors are outstanding. We are supposed to get the snow tomorrow night, right now the sun is brightly shining, but cold.

  6. I LIKE this canoe layout! And your amaryllis(es) are so beautiful! I missed the discussion about the wax bulb; no watering with this?

  7. Looking better and better! I haven't checked with friends about that particular cutter template, but will do so.

  8. I love this layout for the crossed canoe blocks. It's really visually interesting.

  9. It is hard to believe that another stem is growing out of the wax bulb. That is just amazing! The flowers on the other amaryllis are so pretty! The layout of the canoe blocks is coming along. This might not be your final layout, but it seems the more blocks you add the more it look cohesive.

  10. Wow....a bonus bloom! That’s great. The stripe one is pretty too. I love those blocks.

  11. You've come up with a great setting and whilst I know you're still playing on the design wall but I love that burst of yellow/orange in the midst of the darker colour.

  12. I like the setting for the canoes too, especially with the warm colors in the center.


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