
Thursday, January 14, 2021

Maybe the final layout?...........

I changed blocks to different positions a few times yesterday and I think I might have the final layout.  I will know when I cut the setting triangle fabric and place it around the perimeter.  

 I had a deadline to bake a double batch of Kringlas yesterday and that took up most of the morning.  They will be delivered to my granddaughter's house a couple states away today.

Yesterday's Christmas card came from Spain.  A friend went over there last year in January to spend 3 months with family and then the pandemic hit so she is still there.  I miss her but she is safe and enjoying her extended visit over there.


  1. that is a long extended visit isn't it. I am in touch with one blogger who ended up spending months in South Africa after the same thing happened - she finally got back to Canada after about six months.
    The quilt blocks are looking good.

  2. Looking forward to seeing your top with it's setting triangles. I bet your friend in Spain is as chuffed as I was at seeing her card shared in your post - makes us feel really special haha. Still cold and wet outside but thankfully no snow - a couple more months then time to clear out the winter rubbish from the garden. I'm so looking forward to some warmer weather and being able to open the back door for some fresh air :)

  3. I'll be interested to see what setting triangles you will use...
    Hugs, Julierose

  4. I like this layout, it looks almost woven.
    Lucky granddaughter! Not only for the cookies, but also for the relationship between the two of you. I feel sorry for people that don't have that.

  5. Definitely a coronovirus Christmas card! A Christmas to remember. :-)

  6. One can't look at this quilt and not feel happy. All those beautiful bright colors definitely would put a smile on my face. Looking forward to seeing what you have chosen for the setting triangles. Hope you saved a couple of Kringlas for your morning coffee!

  7. WHAT?!? You bake our own Pringle’s??? To die for……sure miss that tasty treat.

  8. Guess I didn’t read carefully enough……I immediatley jumped to Kringles……in my mind cause I miss it a lot. Still Kringlas….yummmm

  9. Love the layout! Hmm, I wonder if Maureen got my card in NZ yet. Can't wait to see the layout with the setting triangles.

  10. Love how the quilt looks so far — what a lift on a drab January day! And am kind of jealous of your friend in Spain... not a bad place to be "stuck". With 4 cats, though, I'd have problems being unexpectedly away for so long. That's a great card; glad she's enjoying her extended stay!

  11. This quilt is absolutely gorgeous! I'm really excited to dive into a red 16-patch myself! Can't wait to see this with the setting triangles.

    I can't imagine getting stuck in another country with the outbreak of the pandemic. It's nice that your friend is enjoying her extended visit.

  12. It looks wonderful. Your friend certainly did end up with an extended visit. Wow! Hope she can return soon.

  13. Yes, it sure looks like this layout is the one to stitch up. I know you will select the perfect triangles.

    Kringlas sent to your family, I know they'll love your DELICIOUS treat... You're one special grandma, for sure.


  14. The blocks are so pretty! This will be such a fun quilt!

    Cookies sound so good! While I was quilting today I watched a Food Factory marathon. They had a place that made shortbread cookies and it was all I could do not to head to the kitchen and make some. What a lucky person your granddaughter is to get some Kringles!

  15. Your layout looks great. As for that card, I got one today that was mailed December 11 from California!! I'm not sure why it took nearly five weeks to get here, but it was a cheery note for the day!


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