
Friday, January 15, 2021

2 candidates..................

I tried 2 fabrics for the setting triangles.  The top one is orange Shaggy and the bottom one is red Cactus Flower.  I'm wondering if I can use both of them.

It's really hard to tell how they will work with just one of each folded into triangles.  I just couldn't get motivated to cut them so I worked on something else.

I sliced one of the stratas for the Kaffe throw size Trip Around the World quilt.

I started unpicking one seam on each to make the sequence for 1/4 of the quilt.  There are 9 more to unpick after I took this photo.  Now I can go to a design wall and decide which fabric will be at the center.

Today my oldest great-grandson is 7 years old.  Time sure flies.


  1. So bright and cheerful Wanda! I think you could use both fabrics for setting triangles. I love the Trip Around the World quilt. I made one years ago and remember unpicking out one seam in each strip. Great method! Time does fly. My little grandson will be 2 in February!
    Happy quilting,

  2. That is a tough choice on those two fabrics...letting it simmer for a while always helps me...
    Time surely does fly quickly, despite these long quarantined sense of time seems to have changed...Stay safe Hugs julierose

  3. Both of those fabrics look good for the setting triangles, and I think using both would be great. I love the looks of your Kaffe TATW already!

  4. Ohh, another Kaffe TAW in the making. I must have missed/forgotten a post where you said you were starting another - I always love following your TAW making quilts. Another cold day - got my fingerless gloves on while knitting a kiddie beanie hat using nice bright colours. Have a great crafty weekend :)

  5. Ooh. Your Trip Around the World looks gorgeous! Now you're making me want to do one.

  6. Glorious eye candy this morning -- I would try both fabrics for setting triangles. That TAW will be spectacular.

  7. I'll be honest, I thought both of those fabrics were 2 cuts from the same fabric. So, yes, you can use both!😆

  8. All those fabrics looks so juicy and full. It has been nothing but solid gray skies here for days, so I am craving color.

  9. I'm with Vicki W on those triangles - if you hadn't said otherwise, I'd never know they are different fabrics. They both look good. This will bring quite a shot of happy color to someone!

  10. I agree with others that I'd like to see BOTH fabrics used for setting triangles alternating. But I know you will decided and I know it will be perfect.

    Beautiful stratas for another TAW . And throw size, great size to snuggle up on and enjoy all your fabrics...

    You're a wonderful Great Grandma, I bet he loved the treats you sent to him.


  11. Both fabrics look good so I don't think you can make a wrong choice. The TATW quilt is going to be pretty! I like the hit of green and the fabrics with the black backgrounds. They look like they will set off the bright yellow, orange, pink, and red prints.

    Happy birthday to your great-grandson. Time does fly!

  12. I really love trip around the world quilts. The color choices in the last photo of this post just sparkle! I also love the choices you have for your 16 patch setting triangles..........that is going to be really beautiful.

  13. I would use both for setting triangles! You work with the most beautiful fabrics! I always enjoy your posts!


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