
Tuesday, January 5, 2021

A few favorites............

I got 16 of the strips sets sewn into 4s.  These are my favorites so far.

Yesterday was the day to start my van to keep the battery charged.  I was almost out of frozen strawberries so I made my one a month trip to W*lm*rt.  I think I'm stocked up on the perishables for at least a week and much longer on most items.

Four out of 6 buds have opened on the red Amaryllis.  It is such a nice soft red.

The pointed tip of each petal is white.  I don't remember ever having one like this before.  

Today I should be home all day.  Each day I am moving 5 items off each of my cutting tables and putting the things where they belong.  By the end of the week I should have at least 2 of them cleaned off enough to do some big cutting.  I want to slice the TAW stratas and start designing that quilt on the design wall in the basement.


  1. Pretty pairings on your strips:)))
    that amaryllis is beautiful; I've never seen one with white tips either...
    Enjoy your day at home hugs, Julierose

  2. so the battery problem was not using it enough? If that is the case you might need to take a drive around the town once a week huh - the flower looks wonderful - I went yesterday to the store to get frozen blueberry's that were on my list and the store barely had any frozen fruit at all - small store - but that was surprising - I will need to check a different store later in the week.

  3. My computer picks up the reddish orange predominantly and your strips compliment your Amaryllis perfectly. Isn't it fun to see your blossoms open up with a surprise for you. Those tiny white tips are a delight.


  4. Wow, the colors in the strips and in the amaryllis are matching in hue and intensity. A 2 yr old battery should not be like one on its last legs- you don't live at the North Pole.


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