
Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Sidetrack and main project..............

This is my view from the sewing chair.  I was cleaning off one of the cutting tables in the basement and I found a pencil box full of left over strips from 2 or 3 log cabin quilts.  So.....I had to see how many blocks I could make from them.

There is a variety of types of fabric: plaids, stripes, batiks, Kaffe fabric and other printed quilting fabric.  So I got that out of my system and went back to the project I'm really working on.

Here are the first 9 blocks of the Kaffe collective warm color 16 patch quilt.  Every day I think I'm going to get so much done but my 80 year old body says "Hey wait a minute........."  Maybe if we could get a little sunshine I would be more energized.  I think we are like solar panels.  Without sunshine we start running low on energy.


  1. You still get more done than most people I know. Your distraction looks good...always a fan of log cabins.

  2. I like that "solar panel" observation. I think it becomes more accurate past age 50.

  3. Oh I feel so sun-deprived, too--here it's been so windy and cold that I've foregone the outside walking...hoping for some calmer weather so we can resume our walks in the fresh air.
    I love that little log pretty..nice works hugs, Julierose

  4. I definitely agree with you regarding the human solar panel comparison! I have had no energy since the sun decided it was going on vacation. so I sure hope it returns soon. This new warm color 16 patch of Kaffe fabrics is going to be beautiful, and fun to work on while waiting for old Sol to make an appearance. Enjoy your day!

  5. I agree about the sunshine - we've had 3 days of thick fog, like living inside a ping-pong ball. The trees are gorgeous in their rime ice lace though! Yesterday sunshine, today back to fog. But it's better than dealing with below zero temperatures! I'm hoping that the drive to get the car serviced today will perk me up, otherwise I'm going to need to give myself a mental kick in the behind to get things done.

    Will the log cabins go back to future project status? The 16 patch is looking good!

  6. Ohhhh I like the stuff you find!! haha - what a fun little treat!

  7. My favorite block is the one with the tiny triangles.

  8. Bountiful with warm colors, your 16 patch is sunshine ! I know that does't count as real sunshine, but I think you should gets some T shirts printed with your logo "I think we are like solar panels, without sunshine we start running low on energy." (*._.*)

    Enjoyed seeing your log cabin piece with the diagonal dark and light stripes, do pretty.


  9. Oh Wow!!! Those warm 16 patch blocks are so incredible!!! Now I think I'm going to have to make a red one next!!!

    Maybe you've helped me decide what my next quilt is!


  10. "Got that out of my system" - sounds about right - LOL - ;))

  11. Those nine blocks are fabulous! Such a riot of color! It has been gray here everyday. So depressing! Friday thru next Monday the forecast is calling for partly sunny so I plan on taking full advantage of that by going for a walk everyday! I have found that taking Vitamin D, 8,000 units, has helped my energy level since I can't get any sunshine. I get tired too so when I crash, I crash hard! LOL!!!

  12. I'm commenting here on your last three posts, like yourself I don't get as much done these days as I get older, everything seems to take such a lot longer!
    Quilting and flowers - fascinating to see that your red Amaryllis has those white tips, I've never seen any like that before.
    Oh those 16 patch blocks in warm Kaffe colours are something else, a 16 patch is on my list of hopeful projects later in the year. The photo of your design wall is a treat, I love the log cabin blocks, are you going to try and find more strips and carry on with them?

  13. We are preparing for another snowstorm tonight, so sunshine blocks are just the ticket. I'm working on pink kaleidoscope blocks, and may applique centers on them, flower like. Seems a happy block is needed today. Stay well, and accomplish just as much as feel like.

  14. Hi Wanda. The lack of sunshine lately has me napping more than usual during the day, then awake all night. UGH. I bet you sleep like a rock! Lovely projects in the works.


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