Tuesday, November 3, 2020

More masks..............

 I gave away all of the masks I had in inventory so I need to make more.  I think this is the end of the really soft brushed blue denim and I am pairing it with Moda brushed fabrics.  I also got some new type of elastic with the bead for adjustment already on it.

I got 2 of them made last night.  I have some grayed red purple check and stripe in the brushed fabric that I think I will make for myself.

I went out in the late afternoon yesterday and took a picture of my maple tree.  The top of it was turning red and orange last week and now it is all yellow like it usually is in the fall.  This tree is a volunteer that I let grow.  I remember first noticing it around 2010.  It is directly behind a Redbud tree so I can't really see much of it from my windows.  After I rake all of the Redbud leaves and other leaves from my neighbors then these will fall and I'll need to do a second raking.  With this beautiful week in the 60s I have to get started on this project.


patty a. said...

I saw those elastics with the beads at Home Sew. Do they work good? My backyard is full of leaves so I need to get my 600mph leaf blower and blow them down the hill into the wooded area behind my house. It is nice not to have to bag leaves.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

so many of my trees are volunteer trees, some of them grow so fast that by time you think maybe you shouldn't have let them grow it is to late to pull them up.
My daughter asked me to make about 3 black masks for her she said the prints that she has will clash with scarfs that she wears in the winter!

Julierose said...

If this wind ever stops blowing we will be raking leaves....
I will be at rest today after morning grocery shopping --why do people insist on ignoring the 6 foot distancing rule?? I had them crawling up my back in the store!!!:000 Aaargh hugs, Julierose

MissPat said...

One more day of chill here and then at least 5 days of 60's (if they are right this time). So I'll be outside as much as possible, doing whatever needs to be done. Fortunately, it looks like the squirrels have moved most of the black walnuts, so I won't have to haul them out back.Pat

Shelina said...

I think if I got that kind of elastic, I might be more willing to try to make more masks, but now that they are easy to buy in the stores, I've given up mask making. I have a tree like that in my yard too. Yours is beautiful. I mowed the lawn yesterday with a bag to collect the leaves and that worked pretty well. Had to keep emptying the bag after each two rows. I will have to do it again since the tree still has a lot of leaves left.

Linda H. said...

I really miss redbud trees! I haven't seen one in years.

Juliequilt said...

I am still making masks too. I use and wear one with the bead sizer on the elastic. They work great. Gi for it.

Needled Mom said...

The maples are always my favorite, colorwise. The already beaded elastic is a great idea.