Thursday, November 5, 2020

A bonanza in the mailbox..........

 I pre-ordered the new Marcia Derse Line, The blue one.  I don't think she has ever done a line in all one color before.

Here is a better look at the prints.  I wonder if her next lines will be the same prints in other individual colors.

The other package was a surprise, and early birthday present from a friend (thanks Sharon!).  It is more of the prints in the new Tula Pink line including the zebras.

Maybe the Lemur print would be a good alternate block fabric with the 8" pinwheels that I made last night.

Or maybe every other pinwheel should have the color dot print. 

So many options!!

I had seen a preview video of Tula Pink talking about how she designed this line.  This print is a background that looks like graph paper with turquoise lines and sketches and notes she made while coming up with ideas for the line.  This one is available in a wide backing fabric too.  It is so exciting to get new fabric!!


The Inside Stori said...

Gotta love those blues!!!

Sally Langston Warren said...

I really enjoy it when you show groups of fabric (or even just one or two fabrics) and talk about why you like them. I learn so much from you. Often, they are fabrics I wouldn’t have looked at twice. Now I seek them out! That is how I have come to love Marcia Derse fabrics, I have a small “hoard” of her fabrics now. I need to use them/enjoy them. That group of blues is fabulous. How neat if she does collections of a particular color.

Julierose said...

The blue group is just vibrant...enjoy your new fabrics,
hugs, Julierose

Candy said...

Oh I ordered the blue from Marcia Derse too. Hope mine comes soon. Thanks

patty a. said...

Beautiful fabrics! You will have fun playing with them for sure!

BatikFanatic said...

Those Marcia Derse fabrics are just delicious! I'm sure you'll do great things with them... having fun in the process!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it is exciting to get new fabric and then to just look at it for awhile until you figure out the perfect way to use it.

hungry caterpillar said...

Just bought 2 yards of the Tula Pink color dot! Perfect for all sorts of blocks and borders.

Lesley Gilbert said...

Blue; my favourite colour; I'll say no more :) Loving the greys as well of course and I like how the coloured dots change through the fabric. You must be a happy bunny with your new collection :)

Sylvia Anderson said...

I used to love getting new fabrics, but am now focused on trying to use the hundreds of fabrics I now have. It's been quite a few years since I bought any new ones, except when I need to replace some flannel that I use when making baby items for the great grandchildren that we are being blessed with. Number 12 arriving in April, and I will start sewing soon.
I'm really enjoying this weather and will be outside today trimming bushes and hostas.

Needled Mom said...

Those are all such beautiful fabrics! Love the blues in Marcia’s line.

Kaaren said...

Wanda, I sure to enjoy your posts. I find them informative and interesting but above all inspirational!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Looks like the previous comment is a scam/hoax/nuisance one - I hate those and know you do, too!

Oh my those blues are fabulous - must go check them out online. I love her fabrics.

The Joyful Quilter said...

What fun you are going to have with those new fabrics!!

Mystic Quilter said...

Amazing pack of blues Wanda! I must thank you for showing settings of the new Tula Pink fabrics along with our regular quilting fabrics, I fell in love with the zebra, lemur and and the dot print when I first saw her new range. A local shop is selling these and I think I really do need just a little!!

piecefulwendy said...

I've been so tempted to buy that line of Marcia Derse - it's so pretty! I'm a big fan of hers. I know you will do something fantastic with it.

Shelina said...

Looks like great additions from which you can create your beautiful quilts. I especially like the bottom row of the blue fabrics.