
Thursday, October 1, 2020

Monthly recap for September 2020..........


I'm happy to report that this month's finish is an oldie, waiting for its binding be be finished.  It is 43" square.

The quilt top made this month was also an oldie that was already designed and ready to sew.  It is 39.5" x 47".  I contemplated whether to add a border but I decided it is finished ready to layer and quilt.  It feels good to not have a bunch of new quilt tops this month.  I really need to keep working on the backlog.

That makes the year total 15 finished quilts and 17 new quilt tops.

I have been trying to keep track of fabric in/fabric out since the beginning of the year.  I'm way ahead on fabric out because I sold fabric at a pop-up shop and cut about 102 yards into kits which sold for my colorwash 360 online class.  If my calculations are anywhere near correct I have used/out 160 more yards than came into my house this calendar year.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. you made such good progress on finishing up old quilt tops I really enjoyed seeing both of these that you finished.

  3. I love that oldie with the dark center...really luscious colors in it...
    Hugs, Julierose

  4. 160 yards is a lot of fabric that you have used out of your stash. Can you tell that you have used up that much fabric? I keep track of my in/out on a Excel spreadsheet for each year since 2014. This year so far I have a net reduction of 63.5 yards with much of that used in masks for work.

  5. I don't keep track. I have enough stress around here, especially since the grandkids are here for remote school and I am stuck doing the guild's Zoom meetings. I pet my fabric to calm down and could not possibly coerced to count it. Lovely finishes!

  6. I’d like to try Winding Ways. Did you use a special template set or another method to make your blocks?

  7. I "count" my fabric by how empty or full my stash shelves and project boxes are -- that's enough for me. When things get crowded, it's time to make more and shop less. Overall, things are down from where they were despite the infusion of new fabrics in the past month or so - but the mix is more in line with where I am now and that's a good thing. Congrats on your finishes - I have had very few finished quilts this year - having younger son move home with the renovations involved changed my studio timing significantly. Lots more piecing and far less quilting. That will change gradually now but designing/preparing/piecing is still at the forefront.

  8. wow two bona fide 'em!

  9. Good job on using more fabric than you bought new. I need to do that too. It's too easy to buy and I don't have enough time to sew.

  10. Two more beauties! Good work on the stash too.

  11. What a unique idea to keep track of fabric - in/out……. I haven’t purchased fabrics for years except for about 20+ yards of PDF. Perhaps I should keep track of the cost of dyes that I have to purchase!!!


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