
Monday, June 15, 2020

Partially sewn........

The scariest part of this project was trimming the daisy blocks to match up with a 4 block section of the quilt.  I wasn't paying a lot of attention to which way I had the block turned to trim but all 3 luckily came out the same with 3 light rays and 2 dark rays touching the top edge.

This is how far I got yesterday.  All of the sections in the top 2/3 are sewn together and pinned to the wall but the daisy blocks aren't sewn in yet.  I need to add their centers before I sew them into the rows.  I just stacked the bottom 3 rows and pinned them to the design wall so I could move the furniture out and vacuum the room.
It is still nice and cool-smallest text, next size larger text, what they call normal, and large, what I usually use, except I change to Arial because I think it is easier to read.  I can hardly read the blogs that use normal as their default size.  It is especially hard to read if they use a color for the background. Now on to what I wanted to say - It is still cool here so I went out again last night and cut out all of the dead black raspberry canes and cut more volunteer trees.  Garden cleanup is going well and I think we will have one more cooler pleasant day so I will continue working out there.

I'm trying to figure out why large font today is larger than in previous posts.  This is normal and this is large.  Quite a difference.


  1. Cool looking quilt. Yeah blogger has to challenge us because 2020 hasnt been a challenge enough right?

  2. Looking good! Glad you got your dust bunnies. I am still challenged by blogger trying to find things. I don't think those things needed fixing.

  3. It is exciting to watch this quilt change and grow. Thank you for letting all of us watch your process and thought processes. I also want to thank you for the larger font. Your blog is the easiest to read for me with my vision challenges

  4. Loving that larger font, Wanda--I agree with Dawn, just what we need right now is another challenge...I am still trying to figure out why I don't get comments in my gmail...the posting is very similar on new blogger--which is good...
    anyway...I love how this one is coming together...
    Hugs, Julierose

  5. Amen to the large font - and I'm glad you decided to stay with three of the daisy whirl blocks.

  6. Don’t even get me started on blogger changes! Glad things are a bit cooler for you.

    I really like the way these blocks are coming together. Very pretty.

  7. I changed the setting on my computer to enlarge the font to 175% so I can read it. It also enlarges pictures so sometimes I have to change the zoom down to see a picture, but then I change it back. I did some dust bunny chasing myself yesterday and the downstairs where my studio is feels and looks much better. Heck I had wayward pieces of thread in the bathroom too! LOL!! I have enjoyed the cooler weather too. I didn't realize I could find so much to do in my yard! In a couple weeks my neighbor is going to help me cut down some overgrown bushes/small trees. That is going to be a big job, but he is helping me in trade for doing his mending.

    Love those daisy blocks!

  8. I so agree with you and the small print on some blogs. Have to enlarge it to read and dark backgrounds are the pits.
    Rectangle quilt is looking good your idea of adding the 3 daisies hit the spot.

  9. ......and Blogger is going to impose a new format at the end of June! I'm guilty of using the "normal" sized font......But on to quilting: the daisy blocks add a great pop to the grid blocks.

  10. Another cheer for the larger font here; it keeps my nose off the screen of my poor long suffering laptop.

    Its so enlightening to see your process in designing this quilt - thanks especially for that!


  11. I'm liking the latest quilt! I think 3 of the daisy blocks is plenty. And I'm now seeing more of the rectangle blocks that pick up on bits of the daisy blocks.

    I wonder how many of the blogger changes are due to assumption that most people read and post from phones???

  12. I'm wondering if Blogger made a(nother) change, as I noticed a difference in the large size font while writing a post last night. LOVE the daisies sprinkled in your latest quilt project! Best of luck getting those centers sewn and assembling the quilt top, Wanda.

  13. the daisy blocks give this top a lot of pop.

  14. This is looking amazing!! I like your Large font too!

  15. That font is large indeed but as you say, much easier to read. So you're staying three daisy blocks, I think fit in so well and five could have been just too many.

  16. If you are reading a website with a small font, typing Control-+ will usually increase the font size. At least it does on Windows/Android machines. It might be something similar for Apple. I use that command all the time, and if a site has white text on a black background, I immediately close the page. It might be "artistic" but it is completely unreadable for me!


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