
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Only a little progress...........

I got the last 3 rows sewn together and up on the design wall but I still haven't made a decision about the centers of the daisies.  I know I have a mylar circle the right size for the centers but it wasn't where I thought it was so I'll look for that today.  As much as I would like all three center circles to be the same color I haven't come up with a solution yet.

My first tomato was turning red so I decided to pick it and let it ripen inside.  I just couldn't stand the thought that a squirrel would have the first bite of the first ripened one.  It will probably take almost a week to get fully ripened.  This is one of the 4th of July tomato variety.  I bought 2 larger plants that already had blossoms on them and this was on one of them.  The smaller plants that I bought are big now and have 2 or 3 bunches of tomatoes started on them.  There are 5 or 6 tomatoes to a stem on these plants and they are small to medium size tomatoes, just what I like.


  1. I am sure you will resolve the daisy centers dilemma. That tomato looks terrific! Better to ripen it inside than provide a tasty meal for a furry critter.

  2. I always have to pick my tomatoes before they are ripe or they start to develop rot spots on them I don't know why they do that - but they will ripen in the house so it works for me.
    I love the quilt you are currently working on

  3. Sounds like you will have to audition a few fabrics to figure out the centers for the daisies. I sure wish I knew why squirrels will take one bite out of a tomato then leave the rest.

  4. A little progress on your quilt is SEW much better than no progress, Wanda! Good thinking on bringing in that tomato to ripen indoors. Last summer, the squirrels took one bit out of each and EVERY tomato in the garden before tossing them on the ground. Super frustrating!

  5. What about using similar but different lights from the rectangles as your centers? Would carry through theme?


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